Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.

Our Impact

Helping Women Find Their Financial Path

Financial anxiety is growing for women in the US. While women have typically felt more anxious about money than men, it has grown since the start of the covid pandemic. In a recent study reported by CNBC in March 2021, women were concerned about not having enough savings for retirement, how to juggle work and caregiving, and how to best manage day-day expenses along with job security. The solution is learning how to make a plan that works for you. Savvy Ladies provides that opportunity to all women to learn and safely ask questions, with no shame, but with support to help you find the right financial path forward.

Savvy Ladies provides access to unbiased, independent advice by certified professionals for women of all ages and backgrounds regardless of race and income.

Directly helping over 25,000 women nationwide, Savvy Ladies is assisting all women.

The women Savvy Ladies is helping today are:

  • Seeking guidance in budget amidst hardship, 52%
  • Seeking support to manage overwhelming debt, 39%
  • Addressing inadequate retirement income, 31%

And who are:

  • Single, divorced, or widowed, 75%
  • Women of color or multi-racial, 46%
  • Have a family income of $50,000 or less, 52%
  • Have a family income of $20,000 or less, 24%

Recognizing Women’s Financial Behavior in a Study with Foundry10

Financial knowledge attained in financial learning sessions helps women make financial decisions, especially during life transitions. Life transition events such as marriage, divorce, having children, moving, and changes in employment are important factors in promoting change in women’s financial behavior and attitudes. 

Financial knowledge learned in financial learning sessions helps women develop positive financial habits, such as saving and budgeting. 

Positive attitudes such as confidence ultimately help women maintain the financial changes they make in their lives.

Women taking Savvy Ladies’ financial learning seminars reported less financial anxiety, greater financial self-confidence, and greater financial self-efficacy after participating in Savvy Ladies’ Debt Education program.

Women reported less financial anxiety, greater financial self-confidence, and greater financial self-efficacy after participating in the Savvy Ladies’ Debt Education program.

Financial education programs have a significant positive impact on women’s attitudes around financial literacy.

-as found in a recent *2021 Foundry10 Savvy Ladies study
