Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.

Widowhood & Your Finances

Widowed women outnumber widowed men by 3:1 in the US. There are approximately  11.2 Million widowed women in the US in 2020 as compared to 3.4 million widowed men.

Additionally, women are living longer than men too. Most women who are over age 65 will outlive their spouse by an average of fifteen years. Planning for a financial future as a widowed woman is critical in making the best financial decisions so you can live financially independent for many years to come. There are critical financial decisions to consider around your housing, healthcare, social security benefits, insurance.

Planning for widowhood for women is important. In many cases, the standard of living changes as the household income can change. So understanding the changes in social security benefits, retirement income and earnings and other income streams need to be understood so you can balance your cost of living expenses effectively.

Savvy Ladies is here to help educate and share resources and guide you to gain the knowledge you need to learn and make smart financial decisions to understand your financial picture as a widow.

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