Divorce Knowledge Base
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Why Anyone Getting Married Should Consider a Prenuptial Agreement
By Julia Rodgers, Esq. Anyone who plans to get married should get a prenup! It is a common misconception that prenups are just for the wealthy. Instead, a prenup can benefit most couples, regardless of how much income they earn or assets they possess. If you have...
Overcoming Decision Paralysis: Taking Ownership of Your Financial Future
by Vanessa N. Martinez In this webinar, we will tackle money decision-making from several angles: Talking to your partners about money making decisions, and why it’s critical for the both of you to be involved. The importance of having a plan. Building a net worth...
What Every Woman in a Committed Relationship Should Know About Money Conversations
Money, along with household chores and children, is one of the most frequently discussed topics in a marriage or domestic partners relationship. This makes sense – you deal with each daily. Yet, financial conversations can be challenging and filled with emotion at...

Getting Ready
Overwhelmed By the Divorce Process? Create Your Own Divorce Advisory Board
By Lisa Zeiderman Divorce can be one of the most stressful times of your life. Some liken the process of going through a divorce to getting over the death of a loved one; others feel like it is the start of a new life and a very hopeful and happy time. Either way,...
Divorce Glossary
Learn the definitions of Divorce Terms & Terminology and Get Savvy About Your Divorce Feeling overwhelmed by all the divorce terminology? Our legal and finance experts have got you covered from A to Z. And if you have further divorce-related financial questions,...
Get Divorce Savvy: Creating the Right Checklist
During the first panel of the Get Divorce series, guest panelists Julia Rodgers of HelloPrenup, author and divorced mom Dawn Drzal, and Davon Barrett, CFP® and CDFA® at Francis Financial, Inc., talked about some of the core financial aspects of divorce and marriage....
Should I Get a Divorce? How to Tell If It’s Time to Leave a Marriage
By Ana Weisberger I was married for seven years when I came home one day and asked my ex husband for a divorce. And while he feigned surprise at first, it was soon apparent that he also knew it was coming. Of course he knew. Nobody gets divorced today because of...
Financial Planning & Divorce
By: Michelle Petrowski, CFP®, CDFA I recently read an article that hit home for me as a single divorced Financial Planner and raises the question, “Why isn’t the divorce scenario tested when creating financial plans? “. The current landscape Americans are living...
Pre-divorce Strategies: 10 Things You Can Do BEFORE You Make a Decision to Divorce or Not
For most people, making the decision to divorce (or even just thinking about it) can be terrifying. So frightening that the fear factor alone can actually paralyze us and keep us in a holding pattern of unhappiness for years. Liza and Kim offer very specific steps you...

During Divorce
Going Through a Divorce? These Are The Financial Assets You Didn’t Know You Had
by Savvy Ladies Member Dawn Drzal When the Cupboard Looks Bare I still remember casing my new apartment like a cat burglar a few months into my divorce, except the possessions I was evaluating were my own. The long process of dissolving the marriage had barely begun,...
How to build your divorce team- and how to use them correctly!
You shouldn't go through a divorce alone and that is why you need a team to help you along in your journey. But who do you need on your team and how do you use them? About Carolyn: Carolyn Walsh Parry, Esq., has been practicing law for over 25 years in New York City....
Everything You Need to Know About Social Security and Divorced Spousal Benefits
By: Michelle Petrowski, CFP®, CDFA As Baby Boomers continue to have higher and increasing divorce rates than other age groups, divorce later in life can bring increased retirement risks - there is less time (a shorter investment horizon) and opportunity to recover...
DComply Vs. Venmo for Expense Sharing between Divorced Parents
By: Marco Munoz When we built DComply, we started with focus groups to ensure that we engineered a mobile app that solved a common and difficult problem for divorced co-parents. We overwhelmingly determined the issue was fact-based tracking and accounting of money and...
How to prepare for divorce: financial and custodial considerations before filing
There are few things more terrifying than a divorce. Oftentimes couples agonize over the decision to end their marriage as the implications can follow them for the rest of their lives. Can I afford a divorce? Can I live on one income and support my children? How much...
How to Get through a Divorce without Breaking the Bank
If you are considering or going through a divorce, you want to ensure it is as efficient as possible. This webinar will discuss the ways to get divorced without having the costs run up. You will get expert advice on how to keep your emotions out of the decision making...
The Psychology of Divorce
Introduction: legal and medical background The marriage of psychological techniques, mediation and legal strategy Traditional divorce approach vs. new psychologically infused divorce alternative Identifying personality traits and modifying behavior Encouraging...
The Benefits and Risks of Owning a Home
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA With all of the excitement in real estate lately, you might be wondering if you should take the plunge and buy a home. Homeownership has many advantages – both financial and personal. But there are many things to consider before you jump...
Changing Your Name? Avoid Identity Theft in the Process
by Paige Calahan If you're getting married and plan to change your name after the wedding, there are a few things you should know about the process to avoid identity theft and fraud. Changing your name isn't difficult, and with these tips, you'll reduce the risk of...

First steps on how to overcome divorce or separation
By: Valery Danko With the recent pandemic we have seen a tremendous increase in divorces worldwide. The pandemic just outlined issues that existed a long time before. Therefore, I felt an urge to share this message NOW to support you, because I have been through...
Rebuilding Your Financial Future After Divorce
By: Michelle Petrowski, CFP®, CDFA If you are like most, your divorce ends with debt, and the last thing we are thinking about is retirement. I know, I've been there; nothing kills a retirement plan like a divorce. There are no student loans or government bailouts to...