Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.

Caregiving & Finances

Balancing life’s caregiving responsibilities presents financial challenges for women while caring for their kids and as well as for their aging parents.

Women are typically the caregivers taking care of their children and their parents. It’s time-consuming, takes your time away from a paying job, and is draining on your own physical and mental health, and can elevate your personal financial worries as to how to pay for the care of others while not dipping into your own savings. Learning about your parent’s financial situation so that you can help them and be an effective caregiver while maintaining your own income and savings is critical.

As a caregiver, you need to create a financial checklist for yourself so you do not go into debt. Your own financial stability is primary.

At Savvy Ladies, we offer the support and guidance you need. We listen to you and will help you with solving your problems. We offer resources and free 1:1 financial mentoring to assist with the questions you may have.

Articles on Caregiving & Finances

Reaching Financial Independence On Any Income

By: Nadia Busseuil The movement is gaining popularity, but the news still hasn’t reached the majority of women. F.I.R.E. is an acronym that stands for Financial Independence Retire Early. Even if retiring early is not your main agenda, the premise of F.I.R.E. can help...

6 Ways to Help Your Elderly Parents With Finances

By: Venessa Worthington Whatever age your parents are, it’s never too soon to begin talking with them about their finances. You want to be sure your parents are well taken care of, so it’s vital to check in with them on their money situation. Here are six ways to help...

On the 12 Days of Christmas

by Susan HirshmanAs I was driving the other day, the song … On the twelve days of Christmas my true love gave to me….came on the radio.  It made me think – who really is our true love and what is it really that we want.Who really is our true love?  Well, I...

Webinars on Caregiving & Finances