Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.

Virtual group sessions with industry experts to educate yourself on a wide range of topics in detail. View our extensive webinar library to educate yourself now or join the live conversation by registering for one of our upcoming sessions.

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Let’s Talk Insurance: Property and Casualty

Let’s Talk Insurance: Property and Casualty

Learn about property and casualty insurance, what it protects, and its importance to you and your property is. By definition, property insurance helps cover stuff you own, like your home or car. Casualty insurance means that the policy includes liability coverage to...

Real Estate as an Investment

Real Estate as an Investment

In this 2-part virtual educational session, finance and real estate experts Kristen Bonnier and Ashesh Shah, CFP®, discuss how to use the equity of your home for investing, as well as how to access those funds. What you'll learn: Part 1: What is a Home Equity Line of...
