Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.


What is the 50 20 30 or the 70 20 10 budget rule for money?

Planning and budgeting your money is a question commonly asked on The Savvy Ladies® Helpline. The Savvy Ladies pro bono financial volunteers can help you create a budget that fits your lifestyle. You may want to start with understanding your fixed and variable expenses and read our article here by our founder, Stacy Frances,

Can you talk to a financial advisor for free at Savvy Ladies?

The Savvy Ladies® Helpline is a free resource that serves all women and provides unbiased, independent advice with no solicitations.

Who are the volunteers on the Savvy Ladies® Financial Helpline?

The Savvy Ladies® Helpline Volunteers are men and women who are certified financial planners and financial professionals offering their time pro bono to advise and offer financial guidance. The majority of volunteers are CFPs™. Savvy Ladies also accepts as Helpline volunteers professionals, CPAs, ChFCs, CLUs, EAs, CSLP®s, CDFA®’s, MSFSs, or MBAs (Financial Planning concentration). Savvy Ladies serves all women and provides unbiased, independent advice with no solicitations.

How is my personal information data being protected?

Please read our privacy policy here carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website. All communications between a Helpline caller and a Savvy Ladies volunteer are held in confidence to the fullest extent the law allows.

Is Savvy Ladies a legitimate nonprofit organization?

Yes. Savvy Ladies is a registered 501c3 public charity. Listed as a Platinum Guidestar recipient for the highest level of transparency within the nonprofit world. Founded in 2003, Stacy Francis is the Founder & Board Chair. Savvy Ladies is a legitimate, authentic nonprofit organization providing free financial, educational resources through its Financial Helpline and programming delivering expert advice and guidance for all women.

What is Savvy Ladies’ mission?

Savvy Ladies’ mission is to champion women to take control of their finances and achieve financial security, advancing women’s empowerment and financial stability.

Where does the money go when I donate to Savvy Ladies?

The money donated supports the Savvy Ladies Helpline management system & staff team that works to match clients and their financial concerns & questions with volunteers. Technology, automation, and operational excellence are key to the success and scalability of any non-profit operation. Savvy Ladies is rapidly expanding its Free Financial Helpline and educational financial learning tools to serve 5000+ women per year.

Is the Savvy Ladies Financial Helpline really free?

Yes. The Helpline is a free resource. The Savvy Ladies Free Financial Helpline supports women by arranging 1:1 phone consultations with a pro bono expert financial adviser who assists them with their self-identified financial questions. The majority of volunteers are Certified Financial Planners.
