CE Credit Workshop Client and Planner Attitudes, Values, Biases

CFP CE Credit Peer to Peer Workshop – Client and Planner Attitudes, Values, Biases 

Fighting Inherent Biases to Escalate the Building of Wealth among Women

H. 65: Client and planner attitudes, values, biases
Description: Entry Level/Introductory
This course will focus on CFPs working with women as clients. Money psychology will be discussed, including money beliefs and behavioral finance as a subset of psychology. Cultural and religious diversity will be lightly addressed in terms of influence on women as they participate in financial planning while traditional gender risk will be described and challenged.

Learning Objectives:
1. CFPs will learn to differentiate core money psychology, behavioral finance principles, and risk principles that can affect how women
handle their financial situation
2. CFPs will learn to identify their own biases, attitudes, and values to understand how they can impact and affect the interpretation of their female client’s needs in the financial planning process.
3. CFPs will learn how to improve diversity, equity and inclusion by understanding how religion, culture, background, personal situation and social norms affect female client biases, attitudes and values.

Presented by our Savvy Ladies Helpline Volunteers Carrie Rattle & Leela Varadharajan.

Register here:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvd-6vqTwoHtDUGW8yrKXYEu-KLrSvOE7j