Marriage & Your Finances
With money being one of the top issues and causes for divorce, as a woman, you need to go into your marriage with your eyes wide open about money. It will be important to talk about money openly and often with your spouse. The conversation should include discussion around lifestyle choices – travel, dining, shopping, home, and personal purchases.
Going into the marriage it may be wise to have a prenuptial agreement. There are many questions you should speak openly about and seek professional financial counsel to discuss like names on the bank accounts, mortgage & car titles, insurance, credit cards. Making sure, as the wife, you have access to the household money and accounts is important. Should everything be joint or not? Merging lives is part of marriage, falling in love, understanding each other’s money habits should be top of mind as you create a household together.
Savvy Ladies está aquí para ayudar a educar y compartir recursos y guiarte para obtener el conocimiento que necesitas para aprender y tomar decisiones financieras inteligentes. Ofrecemos una biblioteca de seminarios web informativos, artículos de blog, una útil hoja de cálculo presupuestario y tutorías con nuestro equipo de voluntarias financieras profesionales para un apoyo personalizado.
Por qué toda persona que vaya a casarse debería plantearse un acuerdo prenupcial
Por Julia Rodgers, Abogada Cualquier persona que planee casarse debería obtener un acuerdo prenupcial. Es un error común pensar que los acuerdos prenupciales son sólo para los ricos. Por el contrario, un acuerdo prenupcial puede beneficiar a la mayoría de las parejas, independientemente de sus ingresos o de los bienes que posean. Si tiene...
Consideraciones financieras si cree que su cónyuge tiene adicción al juego
By Richard Ibarra, CFP®, APMA, CRPC® For many years I have helped women retire. One of the most successful underlying themes I have seen in women who are married and have built up the majority of the nest egg, is transparency regarding finances. What does that look...
Six Financial To-Do’s (and Don’ts) of Wedding Planning
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA From choosing decorations and centerpieces, to deciding on the dream tailor-made dresses for you and your bridesmaids, weddings are one of the biggest and most memorable milestones in our lives. While wedding planning can be exciting, we...
Lo que toda mujer comprometida debe saber sobre las conversaciones monetarias
El dinero, junto con las tareas domésticas y los hijos, es uno de los temas más discutidos en un matrimonio o en una relación de pareja de hecho. Es lógico, ya que se trata de temas cotidianos. Sin embargo, las conversaciones financieras pueden...
Happily Moneyed
How to Manage Your Brain So You Can Feel Better About Money and Have a Blissful Married Life In this presentation, we’ll Identify the one key reason why couples fight about money – and what to do about it Discuss tips on how to reach your financial goals, even if you...
Yours, Mine & Ours: Financial Tips for Single & Married Ladies
This webinar will help participants understand 5 financial mistakes to avoid in a relationship. It will also teach attendees 3 key steps to deal with money and marital problems. Finally, this webinar will tell single women who are not yet in a relationship, and...