por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA
Nobody likes (or needs) to spend much time thinking about a possible future disaster. But sometimes an ounce of prevention is worth a lot more than a pound of cure. Losing precious documents to disasters such as theft, fire, earthquake or flood can cost you countless hours and thousands of dollars as you try to restore them. Buying a fireproof safe will set you back about $100. You decide.
Savvy Ladies’ Tip: Buy a fireproof safe online (Google “fireproof safe”) and have it delivered right to your doorstep. Then store these documents inside:
• Birth certificates, marriage certificate, divorce papers • Passports • Social Security cards • Title to your home (the deed) • Title to your car (the pink slip) • Will, trust, and power of attorney • Advance directives (living will, health care) • Insurance policies (car, home, long-term care) • Stocks and bond certificates • Photographs of your possessions (for insurance purposes)