Are you ready to become an author? Have you dreamed of writing a novel? A memoir? A non-fiction book to showcase your expertise? Please join us when our speaker will be Judy Katz of Ghostbooksters.com.
Judy, a most entertaining speaker, will be narrating tales of her adventures as a Ghostwriter and publicist. She’ll share with us her secrets for finding the correct genre for your story, finding an agent, and securing appearances on premier media shows. How will you publish the book? There are so many options – which publishing method is best for your book? Even if you are thinking: “I am not interested in publishing a book,” come to hear Judy’s personal tales taken from her blog “Online Dating for the Perfect Act 3.” She’ll have you roaring with laughter.
About Judy Katz:

Judy served as Associate Editor on two McGraw Hill publications and wrote freelance feature articles for many women’s and general interest magazines, including Vogue and Cosmo. In 1987, after serving as PR Director for Madison Square Garden, the NY March of Dimes, etc., she founded her own PR firm, Katz Creative. In 2004 she founded Ghostbooksters.com and has since ghostwritten or edited 40 books—both non-fiction and fiction. To publicize their books, Judy’s authors have appeared on every top talk show, from Oprah to the Today Show, and been featured in the WSJ, NYT, LA Times, on Bloomberg TV, and countless other print, broadcast and social media outlets—including the entire blogosphere! The novel she wrote under her own name is titled Prisoners of Love. Judy’s popular blog, which appears regularly in the Huffington Post and The Three Tomatoes newsletter, is called “Online Dating for the Perfect Act 3.”