por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA | Ago 25, 2008 | Blog, Gestión de la deuda, Stacy 1TP4Consejo de experto
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFASomeone told me the other day that whenever an American scores a 5% raise, he or she immediately ups spending with 10%. Crazy, you may say, but the thing is, our society is built around exactly this sort of behavior. It doesn’t actually...
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA | Ago 21, 2008 | Blog, Invertir, Stacy 1TP4Consejo de experto
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAWhat happened when the Dow took its most recent nosedive? As most of my clients are in it for the long term, my day went on as usual. My friend who is a stockbroker, on the other hand, was slammed with phone calls from nervous investors....
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA | Ago 20, 2008 | Blog, Invertir, Stacy 1TP4Consejo de experto
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAWith Sex and the City: The Movie hitting cinemas and everyone dying to see Carrie in her wedding dress, I became aware of yet another reason I love financial planning. Ready?One of the greatest things with investing is that it’s nothing...
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA | Ago 19, 2008 | Blog, Invertir, Stacy 1TP4Consejo de experto
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI had an interesting conversation with a client the other day.I don’t feel good about this certain fund, she told me, in a market like todays.So let’s sell it, I advised her. Buy something you feel better about – or if you are really...
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA | Ago 18, 2008 | Blog, Invertir, Stacy 1TP4Consejo de experto
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAWith China recovering from a devastating earth quake, and Burma still receiving aid to fix the damage from the enormous cyclone that hit the country recently, it is easy to pass “overseas” off as a scary place where you could lose your...
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA | Ago 15, 2008 | Blog, Finanzas familiares, Stacy 1TP4Consejo de experto
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFALast week, I spent a long afternoon in the animal hospital with my cat. The good news is that Sunshine is doing just fine – the bad news is the bill – almost $700. Most people who – like me – love their pets to death have considered...