por Señoras inteligentes | Abr 13, 2016 | Webinar Divorcio, Seminarios en línea
It’s no surprise that there are financial costs involved with getting a divorce, and there are also emotional ones. How they are intertwined and interact can negatively impact your end goals. Join us, Kim and Liza, divorce coaches and divorced women as we share an...
por Señoras inteligentes | Abr 6, 2016 | Webinar Salud y riqueza, Seminarios en línea
Are you ready to feel an ever-increasing sense of fulfillment, clarity and joy? Where your life is flowing in the direction of success with ease and grace?Yet instead do you find yourself in that mode of there never being enough time, money and opportunity to do what...
por Señoras inteligentes | Mar 30, 2016 | Webinar Planificación profesional y empresarial, Seminarios en línea
Presentation by Lori R. Sackler, author of The M Word: the money talk every family needs to have about wealth and their financial future, and its sequel, The M Word Journal: How to have the money talk.Lori conducted a survey of successful women who held top executive...
por Señoras inteligentes | 23 mar 2016 | KB-Relación con el dinero, Webinar Presupuestación, Seminarios en línea
El comportamiento del inversor puede tener un gran impacto en nuestros procesos de toma de decisiones financieras. En esta presentación hablaremos de cómo el comportamiento inversor y nuestros sesgos innatos pueden impedirnos tomar las mejores decisiones para nuestra familia. Hablaremos de cómo podemos volver a...
por Señoras inteligentes | Mar 12, 2016 | Webinar Planificación profesional y empresarial, Seminarios en línea
You’re ready for a change. But change is risky. How do you get that bright future you want without losing what you have?This webinar will teach you a powerful method for transforming your career or business. The Kick Start Strategy™ is a straightforward framework for...
por Señoras inteligentes | Mar 9, 2016 | Webinar Gestión de la deuda, Seminarios en línea
Would you rather be some boring dress on a rack with many similar pieces, or a fancy one-of-a-kind designer gown?Join me when I will share some great ways to bring out your uniqueness so you can make a lasting impression and more money!In this webinar you will: -Find...