por Jillian Beirne | 11 de mayo de 2016 | Salud y riqueza, Webinar Presupuestación, Seminarios en línea
In this workshop you’ll learn how to get a hold of your finances so you can manage your holiday spending and have a better relationship with money. This workshop is for you if you… -Stress out about losing control of your finances over the holidays -Feel...
por Manisha Thakor | 11 de mayo de 2016 | Salud y riqueza, KB-Presupuestación, Webinar Presupuestación, Seminarios en línea
Un presupuesto no tiene por qué implicar privaciones. En este seminario web, Manisha Thakor, fundadora y directora ejecutiva de MoneyZen Wealth Management, le ayudará a crear un presupuesto que le entusiasmará seguir. Cuando se hace correctamente, un presupuesto puede ayudarle a...
por Señoras inteligentes | May 4, 2016 | Webinar Planificación profesional y empresarial, Seminarios en línea
A great content strategy can help you to build your business as well as your reputation as an expert. But the process of developing enough material to generate a blog, newsletter, and social media engagement often overwhelms busy managers who have more than enough on...
por Señoras inteligentes | May 4, 2016 | Webinar Planificación profesional y empresarial, Seminarios en línea
Affluence is not a mindset. It’s not a destination. It’s not a fixed dollar amount. And it’s certainly not just for rich people. In fact, affluence is more like a secret code. Which means that whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever the numbers in your bank...
por Señoras inteligentes | Abr 27, 2016 | Inversión en seminarios web, Seminarios en línea
It’s time to face the fear about your finances. In this interview with Kevin Ellman, we’ll discuss women’s 3 primary fears about their financial future and how to overcome them. Studies show that women take more time to research investments as well as seek advice...
por Señoras inteligentes | Abr 20, 2016 | Inversión en seminarios web, Seminarios en línea
Over and over again, I meet women who are successful professionally but feel like failures financially. Why? It’s not because we’re not “good with money.” It’s because we weren’t raised to think like a breadwinner—or a boss. But we...