por Señoras inteligentes | May 17, 2017 | Webinar Jubilación, Seminarios en línea
Women’s graduation rates from college continue to rise, as do the number of advanced degrees earned by women. However, women earn less money over their lifetime and live longer, making financial planning a necessity, not a luxury. Discover why it is important, as a...
por Señoras inteligentes | May 10, 2017 | KB-Durante, Webinar Divorcio, Seminarios en línea
Si está considerando o pasando por un divorcio, querrá asegurarse de que sea lo más eficiente posible. En este seminario web se analizarán las formas de divorciarse sin que los costes se disparen. Obtendrá consejos de expertos sobre cómo mantener sus emociones fuera de la toma de decisiones....
por Señoras inteligentes | Abr 26, 2017 | Webinar Salud y riqueza, Seminarios en línea
In this webinar, Jean Chatzky, author of the New York Times Bestseller “AgeProof: Living Longer Without Running Out Of Money Or Breaking A Hip”, which she co-wrote with Dr. Michael Roizen of the Cleveland Clinic, explores the vital link between health and...
por Señoras inteligentes | Abr 19, 2017 | Webinar Planificación profesional y empresarial, Seminarios en línea
Whether you are presenting to your boss, to your colleagues, or to a conference or convention, you want all your presentations to be great! Learn how to maximize your presentation effectiveness by considering your audience, developing total confidence and believe in...
por Kristin Davin | Abr 12, 2017 | Webinar Salud y riqueza, Seminarios en línea
This webinar discusses how our upbringing and attitude towards money is much more than basic budgeting or if we are a spender or a saver. This webinar explores how our upbringing by our first family shapes our attitudes, beliefs, and values about money and how these...
por Señoras inteligentes | Abr 5, 2017 | Webinar Planificación profesional y empresarial, Seminarios en línea
Only 10-14% of job seekers get their jobs through the internet. 40% get it through networking. Topics include: Learn how to do a Self-Assessment, Job Targeting, How to Get Meetings, 4 Ways to Expand your Network, Social Media, and Direct Mail. Attendees will come away...