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Tres maneras de corregir sus comentarios
By: Raleigh MayerSome Like It Hot. No, not the summer--the Billy Wilder classic film comedy.In the final scene, Joe E. Brown's character said it best: "Nobody's perfect". So if you have recently received a performance review or employee engagement survey results,...
Enseñe bien a sus hijos: La educación financiera es la clave del éxito económico
Por: Marguerita M. Cheng A los padres no se les ocurriría criar hijos analfabetos. ¿Por qué parece que para la mayoría de los padres la educación financiera es menos importante? A mí no me lo parece. Como profesional certificada en planificación financiera y madre de tres hijos, creo que enseñar a los niños...
Reconecta tu cerebro para triunfar
Por: Laura Berger¿Sientes que los malos hábitos y los patrones de pensamiento negativos te frenan en el trabajo? La buena noticia es que puedes eliminarlos activando el botón de borrado de tu cerebro. Utilizando la neuroplasticidad, puedes recablear tu cerebro cambiando tu comportamiento,...
Su guía indispensable de la Seguridad Social
By: Elliot RaphaelsonThere is no question that Social Security issues are important to the American public. It is not unusual for me to receive more than 100 responses from readers when I write a Social Security-related column.Regular readers know that I frequently...
Utilizar las redes sociales para impulsar su carrera y su empresa
By: Raleigh MayerThe numbers speak for themselves.LinkedIn is host to 107 million U.S. users and 332 million worldwide.Twitter boasts 232 million active users, and Facebook enjoys a whopping 1.35 billion postings."Positioning and promoting oneself in cyberspace...
Empoderar a las mujeres: Cuatro maneras de mejorar su bienestar financiero
Por: Marguerita M. ChengComo planificadora financiera, miro retrospectivamente a las generaciones de mujeres que a lo largo de la historia de Estados Unidos han recurrido a su inteligencia, imaginación y sentido de la maravilla para hacer contribuciones extraordinarias, y me asombro.Tampoco me sorprende cómo...
Vehículos nuevos frente a usados: ¿Cómo elegir?
by Jennifer McDermottPurchasing a vehicle is a very exciting financial milestone in anyone’s life. It’s a symbol of independence and lifestyle. The tricky question to ask yourself is: should you buy new or used? Both have their pros and cons when it comes to cost,...
La filtración de Equifax y qué hacer
Equifax, one of the three major consumer credit reporting agencies, recently revealed that hackers had gained access to company data that potentially compromised sensitive information for 143 million American consumers, including Social Security numbers, addresses,...
Six Financial To-Do’s (and Don’ts) of Wedding Planning
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA From choosing decorations and centerpieces, to deciding on the dream tailor-made dresses for you and your bridesmaids, weddings are one of the biggest and most memorable milestones in our lives. While wedding planning can be exciting, we...
Cómo no arruinarse manteniendo a hijos adultos
by David RaglandYou’ve worked hard, you’ve saved, you’ve downsized, and the nest is finally empty. Life is good. But then one of your kids loses his job. Or she starts falling further into debt. Or decides to send your grandchild to a private school he can’t...
En lugar de gastar, los adolescentes pueden ahorrar
por Samantha Cueto ¿Cuándo deben abrir una cuenta de ahorro los adolescentes? En cuanto un adolescente empieza a gastar el dinero que gana, debería empezar a plantearse abrir una cuenta de ahorro. Según un estudio de ING Direct, un porcentaje sorprendentemente alto de adolescentes...
Is it a Good Idea to Close Credit Cards I don’t Use?
by Rebecca Eve Selkowe, J.D3 myths about your credit score:I never really talked much about credit scores before, but that is starting to change now as I’m realizing how much unnecessary worry, concern, and confusion swirls around them.So first things first. Your...
¿Debería poner a cero mi tarjeta de crédito todos los meses?
by Rebecca Eve Selkowe, J.D The best way to use your credit card is to pay the balance in full every month – that way, you don’t have credit card debt and you don’t pay interest. However, if you are using your credit card all the time, the balance will never be $0....
Aproveche al máximo su devolución de impuestos
Uno de los únicos aspectos positivos de la temporada de impuestos es la devolución del dinero. Todos esperamos tener un poco de dinero extra. Es tentador coger ese dinero y derrocharlo: has trabajado duro para conseguirlo, ¿verdad? Pero antes de ir al centro comercial o a tu tienda electrónica favorita,...
Cambia la historia de tu dinero y cambiarás tu vida
¿Está mejorando su historia financiera? ¿Cuál es su historia económica? ¿Alguna vez se ha sentido estancado? ¿Como si, independientemente de la decisión que tome a continuación, acabara volviendo al punto de partida? A lo mejor no sabe por qué, por mucho que se esfuerce en mejorar sus...
Happy, Birthday, Barbie!
On March 9th, Barbie celebrates her 58th birthday. Whether you loved Barbie as a little girl or thought she was a negative role model for women, there is no denying her part in women’s toy history. Ruth Handler created the Barbie doll and co-founded Mattel, Inc. with...
How To Create Greater Financial Intimacy in Your Relationship
by Dr. Kristin Davin “Not all relationships require financial intimacy to function, but financial intimacy does require a deep connectedness to exist.” — Timmons Money is a complicated topic. It’s also a main contributor to divorce. So, the early and...
¿Es su fondo de inversión bueno o malo?
As kids around the globe feverishly try to behave to ensure that they make the nice list for Santa Claus, us adults feel like we don’t have to worry and can play it cool. Not so fast. Your investment might be on the naughty list. Save yourself from a lump of coal:...
Women & Retirement: Don’t Wait, Start Saving Today
Poor and alone isn’t the retirement any of us dream about. And the following statistics conjure up some very scary images:(Sources: Dee Lee’s Everywoman’s Money: Financial Freedom; Social Security Administration.)More than 50% of all marriages fail.After a divorce,...
Usted está en equilibrio. Pero, ¿lo están sus inversiones?
Twist and turns… Up and down… The investment markets are going through another wild year—fortunately, this time, the volatility is generally in a positive direction. But the dramatic swing in stock returns after three bear years, along with dramatic swings in some...
El duelo: Cómo ayudarse a sí mismo y a los demás sin perder la cabeza
by Carly Newhouse, LMSWGrieving is a painful, confusing, scary, and overwhelming time for just about everyone. Whether you are grieving the loss of a parent, spouse, sibling, child, friend, mentor, or a more distant figure, the process of coping with loss is windy and...