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Propósitos de Año Nuevo
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFEn esta época del año, inevitablemente, las conversaciones gravitan en torno al tema de los propósitos de Año Nuevo. Aunque la gran mayoría tienden a ser no sólo genéricos (¿dejar de fumar, alguien? ¿inscribirse en un gimnasio?), sino también difíciles de seguir (todo el mundo tiene un...
Qué hacer y qué no hacer con el ahorro para la jubilación
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI had dinner with my best friends last night – a monthly tradition that usually turns into a full night of fun. Not this time, however. It turned out my friends were all in a state over their retirement accounts. Their mutual funds invested...
Real Estate: Reading the Fine Print Before You Commit
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAReading the Fine Print Before You CommitAfter December’s holiday festivities, January can feel like a dreary, lonely month. So you can imagine how delighted I was when I picked up the mail the other week and found an invitation to a...
Pérdida de empleo: ¿y ahora qué?
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFATodos conocemos a alguien que perdió su trabajo el año pasado. Para el amigo de mi marido, sin embargo, fue algo inesperado: es productor de informativos en una importante cadena de noticias. Pero con la disminución de la demanda de tiempo publicitario, muchas...
What Size Mortgage Can You Afford?
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAWith real estate prices free falling in many areas, mortgages seem to be the topic on everyone’s minds. It is hard to narrow down all the different concerns people have into a structured format, but my facilitators report that one of the...
Credit Card Myths
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI went for a run in the park this morning, with my favorite workout pal. Thank goodness she is a good friend as I don’t run as fast as I used to now being pregnant. Anyways, she surprised me mid-run by asking whether it was really necessary...
Scoring a Mortgage in Turbulent Times
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA“For years,” a woman said during a recent telephone conference, “I was waiting for the real estate bubble to burst so that I could buy something. Now that it finally has, no one can get a mortgage.”While it is true that it is much more...
Money Making Tips for Tough Times
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAOne of my mom’s friends has a daughter who studied interior design, and then scored an assistant manager position in an upscale furniture store right out of college. She was estatic, loving everything about her job . . . until last week,...
How Much Debt Is Too Much?
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI was in back-to-back meetings all day today. This is not unusual – neither is the fact that four consecutive meetings started out with a prospective client informing me that she had come to me because she is in debt and would like to...
The iPod Issue: How Much Can -and Should- You Spend on Your Children?
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI took the subway uptown today, to meet a colleague at a favorite lunch place. Turns out, the subway I was in also had twenty-something ten-year-olds, on a field trip coming back from the New York Stock Exchange. As Sebastian is only three,...
Should You Do Your Own Taxes?
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAMy college friend was red-faced and bursting with anger when we met for after-work cocktails the other day. She arrived straight out of a meeting with her tax accountant, who had failed yet again to get her the tax refund so many people...
Tarjeta de crédito abrumada: Notas sobre la consolidación de deudas
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA“My credit cards are driving me insane,” a friend complained to me over mochas (bought with cash) yesterday morning. “It’s like I can’t stop thinking about how much debt I’m in, because the minute I’ve sent off one minimum payment, I get a...
Principales temores financieros
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAThis weekend, my family and I decided to go for a picnic in the park. So we filled a basket with Dean & Deluca foods and headed outside our door to Battery Park. There, the smell of grass, the sun, and the majestic beauty of the skyline...
Cómo gestionar los préstamos estudiantiles
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAA young woman at a recent Savvy Ladies seminar had just received her first student loan bill, and subsequently, her first panic attack. What was she supposed to do? There was no way she could spare that much money per month. Could she make...
Reducir sus facturas
“The problem with saving,” the woman on the elliptical next to me at the gym the other day told me, upon learning that I am a financial planner, “is that it’s so boring. I feel like I can never do anything fun.”This, fortunately, couldn’t be less true. Try the tips...
Selección de valores: Análisis técnico
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAIn the last entry, an email I received inspired a discussion about fundamental stock analysis. This entry covers its counterpart, technical analysis.According to technical analysis, value is truly in the eyes of the beholder. Rather than...
Selección de valores: Análisis fundamental
I got an email from a client this morning, raving about this exceptional new stock everyone was talking about. It had already tripled since going public, and all the charts looked amazing.Curious, of course, I went online to do some research. The company was in the...
¿Despedido? Cómo volver a la normalidad
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI Creo que la mayoría de nosotros conocemos a alguien que ha perdido su trabajo recientemente. Para mí, esta recesión se hizo realidad cuando una clienta me llamó ayer a media tarde (y a medio café) para comunicarme que su empresa la había despedido. Ahora bien, siendo un...
Money Management for Couples: What to Do When Your Opinions Differ
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFASomething interesting happened in my latest Savvy Ladies telephone conference. When one woman told the group that her husband’s sloppy attitude toward money was so frustrating to her, she wanted to divorce him for this reason alone, every...
Prestar dinero a familiares y amigos
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI received an interesting email this morning. It was from a mother-of-two in her early thirties, who was broke because over the past five years, her parents had continuously borrowed money from her, supposedly to get into some miraculous...
Asegurar el empleo en tiempos difíciles
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAAl otro día, en la barra de mi restaurante de fusión asiática favorito, esperando mesa, mi marido y yo escuchamos una interesante conversación entre dos veinteañeras. Al parecer, una de ellas había perdido su trabajo ese mismo día y...