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Los diez errores más comunes de los padres primerizos
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAWhen I showed up at a recent Savvy Ladies seminar with my big belly, naturally, the conversation gravitated toward money and parenthood. Many soon-to-be and new mothers expressed concern about making financial mistakes that could hurt their...
Presupuesto familiar: Cómo mantener bajos los gastos de tus hijos
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI se reunió con un grupo de madres primerizas la semana pasada, que estaban ansiosas por organizar sus presupuestos ahora que dos se habían convertido en tres. Todas conocían bien los tipos de gastos, pero, como muchos padres primerizos, habían subestimado...
What Types of Insurance Does Your Family Need?
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAOne of the moms from the park called me last night, in tears. Not only had she come back to her apartment to find the door ajar and her things all over the floor – when she got hold of the landlord, he informed her that his insurance policy...
Personal Money Management: Dos and Don’ts
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAWhat a day! I met with a total of six different clients, updating their portfolios and helping them set financial goals for the new year. This is what I love the most about this time of the year: change is in the air, and people want to...
Reality Check: A Family Budget That Will Last
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAThe cashier checking me out at the grocery store last night told me this time of the year is always the busiest for them. Every January and February, he explained, thousands of people swear that this is the year they will start cooking at...
Bienes inmuebles: ¿Debería refinanciar?
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI Me quedé estupefacta al leer en el periódico esta mañana que ya es posible conseguir una hipoteca fija a 30 años al 4,5% (se aplican restricciones). Esto, por supuesto, es una noticia maravillosa para cualquiera que esté comprando una casa: ahora tenemos un mercado inmobiliario...
3 lecciones de dinero para preescolares
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA, Founder Savvy Ladies Teaching Your Children Proper Money Management at a Young Age is Smart In the park this weekend, one of the moms shocked me by telling me that her 5-year-old son recently asked her about car financing. Why, he wanted...
¿Debería comprar una casa de vacaciones?
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI Acabo de regresar de un encantador fin de semana de esquí en Vermont. Estar embarazada me permitió disfrutar de un delicioso chocolate caliente en la cabaña. Uno de los amigos de mi marido acaba de comprar una cabaña preciosa allí, y nos invitó a venir a verlo ....
5 consejos para comprar una casa
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAR¿Se acuerda de mi amiga que se está mudando a Miami? Anoche me volvió a llamar para decirme que este fin de semana se va para allá para empezar a ver condominios. Me pidió que le hiciera una lista de cosas a tener en cuenta mientras busca en el mercado...
5 consejos para vender una casa
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAFebrero nunca ha sido el mes más agradable en el noreste, pero aún así me sorprendió cuando una amiga me llamó anoche para informarme de que se iba de la ciudad... ¡para siempre! Cuando se enteró de que podía hacerse con un piso en...
Mi plan 401(k) suprime la aportación paralela: ¿debo seguir contribuyendo?
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAA client called me up with this excellent question yesterday. Of course, as long as your company matches your contributions, you should contribute as much as you can toward your 401(k). It is unwise to turn down free money, and especially...
Cuando sus padres necesitan ayuda
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAA new Starbucks just opened a block from my office – what a treat! It was an even bigger treat to run into an old friend there yesterday. Catching up over lattes (hot chocolate for me since I am pregnant), I learned that she has a fabulous...
Ahorrar para la universidad en tiempos difíciles
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA“My daughter is off to college in 2010,” a woman told me during the Q&A session at a recent conference. “Now the savings account we opened for her has been cut in half, and my husband has lost his job. Will a local community college be...
Consideraciones monetarias para las mujeres
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAThe gentleman next to me during the opening dinner at a recent conference couldn’t get over the fact that I named my organization Savvy Ladies. Why, he wanted to know, did I find it necessary to focus solely on women? This, of course, is an...
Seguro de dependencia: Cuándo contratarlo y cuándo no
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI met with a new client yesterday. While this is not unusual, the reason he had come to see me was: he was in his thirties, healthy, athletic – and extremely anxious about the fact that he didn’t have long-term care insurance. While some...
Ventajas fiscales para sus pérdidas de inversión
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAM Mi novia me llamó anoche. "Así que", me dijo, "estaba a punto de vender estos bonos que tengo para al menos desgravarlos, cuando me di cuenta de que las cosas no funcionan así con los bonos. Si los mantengo hasta su vencimiento,...
Ex parejas: Cómo funciona la pensión alimenticia
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA, Founder Savvy Ladies “It is easy to preach financial independence,” a new Savvy Ladies member remarked at a recent seminar, “but I have already spent ten years as a housewife. My husband and I are miserable together, but there’s no way I...
5 Vital Questions for New Parents
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAShopping for my new baby earlier today, I met two very anxious soon-to-be mothers. Talking to them made me realize how much easier it is to be pregnant the second time around. Not only am I more relaxed about everything, but I also know...
Donaciones a organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro: Buen karma y mejores ventajas fiscales
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDF¡Llegó la temporada de impuestos! Un gran momento para cualquiera que espere un reembolso, y un no tan gran momento para aquellos que ahora tienen que llegar con un pedazo de dinero en efectivo para el IRS, además de todas sus otras cuentas y responsabilidades financieras. Para los...
Pensaba jubilarme en 2009, ¿y ahora qué?
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAFor years, I would run into the same neighbor every time I went down to the corner shop – an incredibly dedicated and brilliant science teacher called Matt. For years, that is, until he realized his dream of retiring and buying a ranch in...
No es el fin del mundo - La naturaleza cíclica de la economía
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFADuring a recent charity dinner, I ended up at the same table as a successful financial newsletter writer. He is semi-retired now, in his seventies, but the many years he spent studying the financial markets and the economy have provided him...