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6 decisiones monetarias inteligentes a los 30 años
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAA couple of weeks ago, I attended my friend’s thirtieth birthday party. A week later, she called my office to schedule an appointment. While I was delighted to accommodate her, I couldn’t help but scratch my head a little. She never asked...
Cómo la recesión puede ayudar a sus finanzas
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAA newsflash from just plopped down in my inbox. Apparently, this weekend, flight fares between New York and the West Coast run as little as $99, round trip. Now, with two little kids, spontaneous travel is not as easy for me...
Coste de oportunidad y vacaciones: ¿Debería estirar su presupuesto para unas vacaciones más largas?
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFADurante la última teleconferencia de Savvy Ladies, el tema de conversación fue mucho más halagüeño que los típicos de estos días (desempleo, recesión y formas de recortar gastos). Una de las participantes acababa de dejar su trabajo para hacer realidad un...
Selección de beneficiarios
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAOne of my best friends is going through a divorce. Over the phone last night, she provided an endearing account of her efforts to make a clean break and start over. Apparently, she even remembered to take her ex out of her will. This...
Cómo evitar recortes en su línea de crédito
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAA report from a recent Savvy Ladies meeting revealed that many of you are having your lines of credit slashed. I thought a few pieces of advice could come in handy. A couple of months ago, I touched on the topic in a blog entitled “Will a...
Crisis de liquidez a los cuarenta: ¿El futuro de sus hijos o el suyo propio?
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAThis dreadful dilemma was the main topic of discussion at a recent Savvy Ladies event. And the economy being what it is, alas, it is one to which far too many of us can relate. We all want what’s best for our children, so what could...
Utilice el método de la billetera medio llena y haga realidad sus sueños financieros
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAThe book “Unwinding the Clock. Ten Thoughts on Our Relationship to Time” sat on my bedside table for months after a friend gave it to me. This past weekend, I finally got around to reading it – and I liked it much more than I thought I...
Cómo ahorrar es más fácil hacerlo que decirlo
Over the past couple of months, I’ve been blown away by the number of people who’ve decided that now is when they’re going to start saving – and, as a consequence, looked me up. I met with three just this morning! Unfortunately, no matter how much they want to, many...
IRA conyugal 101
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAA woman approached me after maternity yoga last night. My husband is stoked about this child, she told me, and when my maternity leave is up, he would like to be a stay-at-home dad for a couple of years. I already know this means he won’t...
Seguro de vida a término o seguro de vida entera: ¿cuál es el más adecuado para usted?
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI had breakfast with a new client this morning, at a cozy new bakery around the corner from my office. While the fruit and croissants couldn’t have been better, our conversation was anything but. My new client was- like so many people these...
He perdido mi trabajo: ¿qué pasa con el seguro médico?
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI received an email from a Savvy Ladies member today; a heartbreaking tale of how she had been laid off, and was now trying to figure out how to survive – and feed her two small children, as she is a single mom. One of the expenses she...
Coches baratos y caros de asegurar
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAWhen I bought my son a Scion Tc, a client told me over mid-morning mochas the other day, I didn’t anticipate that my insurance bill would skyrocket. I suppose I sort of assumed it wouldn’t make that much of a difference.The key to staying...
Cobrar el paro
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAA friend called me up this morning. I can’t quite believe this, she said, a tremble to her voice, but I was just laid off. Even worse, during the past five months my husband and I have barely been scraping by, so we’ve used up most of our...
Limitar los daños si tiene que asaltar sus ahorros para la jubilación
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFANo matter how hard we try to focus on the positives and maintain an optimistic outlook on the future, no doubt things are getting ugly out there. This really dawned on me while reading a report from a recent out-of-state Savvy Ladies...
An Expert’s Guide to Family Budgeting
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA "I’m a CEO", explained the new client with whom I had lunch yesterday, "yet I feel as though I have no control whatsoever over my family’s spending. I never have any money left to invest, store and credit card bills grow larger each month,...
Los 5 mayores ahorros fiscales
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAMy friend, who would normally never talk to anyone about money, invited me over for dinner last weekend to discuss her financial situation. Her husband's salary dropped significantly and they're struggling to survive on her salary alone....
5 lecciones de dinero para adolescentes
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA, Founder Savvy Ladies Practical Money Tips for Raising Financially Mindful Children Start at Home. I read in the newspaper the other day that in a survey, high schoolers answered only 48% of basic personal finance questions correctly. The...
¿Un recorte en mi línea de crédito perjudicará mi puntuación FICO?
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAThis question popped up during a recent Savvy Ladies empowerment circle. The woman asking it had recently received a letter from American Express, letting her know that they had reduced her credit limit from $17,000 to $9,000. Credit score...
5 razones por las que la recesión es un desastre
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA, Founder Savvy Ladies The conference I attended last week was a study in pessimism and negativity. I feel that right now, people are paying far too much attention to the negatives and far too little to the many wonderful aspects of the...
What Health Insurance Plan Is Right for You?
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAWith the birth of my daughter just around the corner, my husband and I spent Sunday afternoon reviewing our family’s insurance coverage. Many times, the addition of a new family member means that a different provider or different type of...
Impuestos: ¿Cuánto debe retener?
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAFaltando pocas semanas para la llegada de mi hija, acudo mucho a las revisiones rutinarias. Afortunadamente, la consulta de mi médico es muy eficiente y rara vez tengo que esperar más de diez minutos. Ayer, la otra futura madre...