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Coma bien para su cuerpo y su cuenta bancaria

by Loni Markman, MA, CHHC Are you one of the many people who are under the impression that eating healthy means spending more money? As a nutrition and positive body coach, I hear it all the time. “Eating whole foods is too expensive” or “I want to feed my family...

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Ahorrar Vs. Dejar ir

by Liz WolfeMy husband Jon’s grandparents lived right around the corner from him while he was growing up, and I was lucky to have met Jon while they were still alive.    During the early years of my relationship with Jon, it was a form of entertainment...

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¿Cómo te presentas cada día?

por Karen McMahonUna mirada a nuestras emociones como Energía en Movimiento y cómo avanzar hacia la conciencia, el compromiso y la plenitudSolía ser una persona bastante positiva. Pero unos años después de casarme, trabajar a tiempo completo y criar a dos niños pequeños, me encontré...

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Presupuestos: Cómo ser realista

by Carly LanceCreating a budget is never an easy task. It seems like we always underestimate how often we go out in a given week. That $100 you budgeted for entertainment this month can go quickly if you like to have a few drinks or get your nails done every weekend....

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Celebrity Inc Famous Money Tips that Celebs do

by Manisha Thakor What can four drunk airplane passengers, first-time parents, and a delightful new book called Celebrity, Inc. do for your wallet? Get everyday money tips that famous celebs do to budget and build their wealth. Plenty. Let me start with the drunks and...

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La empresa suficientemente grande

by Manisha ThakorIs a larger business always a better business? As a newly minted MBA my first job back in 1997 was as a buy-side equity analyst. My task was to evaluate the financial prospects of publically traded companies and make recommendations as to whether or...

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Generación Earn: Charla con Kimberly Palmer

por Manisha ThakorLa redactora jefe de US News & World Report y columnista de finanzas personales, Kim Palmer, ha escrito un nuevo libro excelente para jóvenes profesionales: GENERATION EARN. Kim ha tenido la amabilidad de compartir sus impresiones tanto sobre la escritura del libro como...

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Las cuatro palabras más peligrosas para su cartera

por Manisha Thakor¿Cómo debo invertir? A medida que nos acercamos al nuevo año, los medios de comunicación, desde la CNBC hasta The Washington Post, están repletos de comentarios financieros que abordan esta pregunta. A primera vista, parece una pregunta lógica, pero si te preparas para...

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¿Están seguros sus bonos?

by Manisha Thakor"Last year I invested in a bond fund and now I've lost money. What happened? I thought bonds were supposed to be safe investments!" Recently several people have asked me this same question. Given the turbulent economic times we're (hopefully!)...

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The Rise Of The “Sugar Mamma”

by Manisha Thakor Sug·ar Mam·ma- nounA woman who is in the financial driver's seat of her lifeWatching the season finale of HBO's Boardwalk Empire last night, I was struck afresh by how far we women have come. This show depicts life in Atlantic City during...

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