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Coma bien para su cuerpo y su cuenta bancaria
by Loni Markman, MA, CHHC Are you one of the many people who are under the impression that eating healthy means spending more money? As a nutrition and positive body coach, I hear it all the time. “Eating whole foods is too expensive” or “I want to feed my family...
Imagine... ¡Imagine y cree su nuevo futuro!
by Karen McMahonIf you could design your ideal life what would it look like? Most people actually don’t know. We are so programmed to think about what we don’t want, couldn’t afford, can’t have, what won’t work…that we rarely give ourselves the gift of...
Ahorrar Vs. Dejar ir
by Liz WolfeMy husband Jon’s grandparents lived right around the corner from him while he was growing up, and I was lucky to have met Jon while they were still alive. During the early years of my relationship with Jon, it was a form of entertainment...
¿Cómo te presentas cada día?
por Karen McMahonUna mirada a nuestras emociones como Energía en Movimiento y cómo avanzar hacia la conciencia, el compromiso y la plenitudSolía ser una persona bastante positiva. Pero unos años después de casarme, trabajar a tiempo completo y criar a dos niños pequeños, me encontré...
¿Podría ser su plan 401K la grieta en su armadura financiera?
by Teresa Kuhn, JD, RFC, CSA, Authorized Bank on Yourself Advisor and President, Living Wealthy Financial GroupIf you have a 401 K plan, you might be able to relate to this:A friend of mine's dad used to live for the time when he got his plan statement. It was...
Presupuestos: Cómo ser realista
by Carly LanceCreating a budget is never an easy task. It seems like we always underestimate how often we go out in a given week. That $100 you budgeted for entertainment this month can go quickly if you like to have a few drinks or get your nails done every weekend....
La clave para solucionar los problemas con las tarjetas de crédito: No lo dejes para más tarde
por Elliot RaphaelsonLos consumidores pueden encontrarse con deudas insalvables por muchas razones. El uso imprudente de las tarjetas de crédito es una de las principales razones. Como mediador certificado por el condado de Florida durante los últimos 12 años, he visto casos de impago de tarjetas de crédito...
Las 3 mejores estrategias para participar en grandes eventos de networking
by Lyle KatzMany people are intimidated by large networking events that may have up to 100 people or sometimes more. It’s uncomfortable for people to walk into a situation like that and start making conversation with strangers. It may appear overwhelming at first, but...
First Step Toward Achieving Retirement Goals: Correcting Investment Mistakes
by Elliot RaphaelsonEven "expert" traders make mistakes.You shouldn't expect every investment decision you make to be perfect. And when you are wrong, it's best to recognize it and change course. You will be in good company. Even successful investment professionals...
Una gigantesca lección empresarial de una gigantesca calabaza
por Mike Michalowicz, autor de ThePumpkinPlanLas calabazas ordinarias son un poco, bueno, ordinarias. Cuando llega Halloween, lo más probable es que vayas a la granja a coger una bonita y redonda para el porche. Pero, aparte de eso, le prestas poca atención a las calabazas. Hasta que ves una...
¿Tienes una mentalidad de escasez?
por Jillian Beirne Davi ¿Cuál es su mentalidad monetaria? La mayoría de nosotros recordamos haber oído mensajes específicos sobre el dinero de los adultos que nos cuidaban desde nuestros primeros recuerdos de infancia. ¿Qué oías tú cuando crecías? ¿Era difícil conseguir dinero? ¿Era escaso?
Spend Your Remaining FSA Dollars… In Under an Hour!
by Manisha ThakorWould you like to experience less (financial) stress and more (money) joy this holiday season? If you're a flexible spending account (FSA) user, there's an easy way for you to get both: take a look at your current FSA account balance and spend down...
Los 5 gastos sanitarios que no sabía que podían estar exentos de impuestos
by Manisha Thakor Can focusing on your health help you to pay less in taxes? If your employer offers a healthcare flexible spending account ("FSA") and you elect to participate, the answer is yes!Toward the end of the year I am frequently asked about ways to...
Celebrity Inc Famous Money Tips that Celebs do
by Manisha Thakor What can four drunk airplane passengers, first-time parents, and a delightful new book called Celebrity, Inc. do for your wallet? Get everyday money tips that famous celebs do to budget and build their wealth. Plenty. Let me start with the drunks and...
La empresa suficientemente grande
by Manisha ThakorIs a larger business always a better business? As a newly minted MBA my first job back in 1997 was as a buy-side equity analyst. My task was to evaluate the financial prospects of publically traded companies and make recommendations as to whether or...
Un cuento de "peluquería": ¿qué significa para su carrera?
by Manisha Thakor57% of men entering the workforce negotiate their salaries, while only 7% of women do.Ouch. This is one of the many powerful messages I took away from Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's riveting TEDWomen presentation on why we have too few women leaders....
Convierta a sus hijos en campeones de las finanzas personales
by Manisha ThakorDo your children think you are a walking ATM?If you are tired of "must-have-that-toy-right-now" tantrums as you walk down the aisles of Target or Toys “R” Us, go straight to your nearest bookstore and buy Alisa T. Weinstein's new book, EARN IT, LEARN...
Generación Earn: Charla con Kimberly Palmer
por Manisha ThakorLa redactora jefe de US News & World Report y columnista de finanzas personales, Kim Palmer, ha escrito un nuevo libro excelente para jóvenes profesionales: GENERATION EARN. Kim ha tenido la amabilidad de compartir sus impresiones tanto sobre la escritura del libro como...
Las cuatro palabras más peligrosas para su cartera
por Manisha Thakor¿Cómo debo invertir? A medida que nos acercamos al nuevo año, los medios de comunicación, desde la CNBC hasta The Washington Post, están repletos de comentarios financieros que abordan esta pregunta. A primera vista, parece una pregunta lógica, pero si te preparas para...
¿Están seguros sus bonos?
by Manisha Thakor"Last year I invested in a bond fund and now I've lost money. What happened? I thought bonds were supposed to be safe investments!" Recently several people have asked me this same question. Given the turbulent economic times we're (hopefully!)...
The Rise Of The “Sugar Mamma”
by Manisha Thakor Sug·ar Mam·ma- nounA woman who is in the financial driver's seat of her lifeWatching the season finale of HBO's Boardwalk Empire last night, I was struck afresh by how far we women have come. This show depicts life in Atlantic City during...