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What Does ‘Having It All’ Mean to You?
by Laura BergerDo you have it all? Or perhaps you feel trapped in a cycle of your own doing that could lead to your undoing? I am extremely thankful for my clients, but not for the state in which they come to me, as it is often the latter.Helping women “have it all”...
Qué hacer cuando los opuestos financieros se atraen
by Manisha ThakorAre you and your significant other financial opposites? If so, you're not alone. As a financial advisor, I’ve seen time and again how the results can be quite painful.When the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants polled...
The Beauty of a Budget
by Manisha ThakorMany people think budgets are about deprivation. As a financial adviser, I feel they are about liberation. Here’s a simple three-step plan to create a budget that you will feel excited to follow.Step #1: Understand the real purpose of a...
Redes naturales
por Raleigh Mayer "Sólo conectar" -E.M. Forster Trabajar en red. Todo el mundo lo hace: Cultivar y mantener una amplia red de contactos personales y profesionales es una habilidad necesaria para cualquier persona activa en el mundo empresarial y...
Presupuesto para la riqueza: Cómo crear un plan de gastos que te guste
by Jillian Beirne DaviSix years ago I was depressed, broke and deeply in debt. I had nowhere to turn. At the time, there was no such thing as a "Money Coach" (that I knew of...). But let me tell you, if that person existed, I would have hired them on...
¿Qué opina del céntimo?
by Carl Richards Since 2006, the American penny has cost more to make than the penny is worth. Despite that knowledge, we haven’t heard much discussion until now about stopping penny production. A few weeks ago, President Obama hinted that it may be time to say...
Seis mitos que pueden impedirte valorar bien tu trabajo
by Elisa BalabramSomething that many women struggle with is how to price their products and/or services. Here is a list of the top 6 Myths that may stop you from pricing your products and services well. If you are not an entrepreneur, read through the list and check...
Cómo cinco hábitos diarios sacudieron mi mundo financiero
by Jillian Beirne DaviSix years ago, I was broke. I was deeply in debt (to the tune of $30,000) and creditors called me nonstop. I felt powerless, hopeless and totally alone. It was one of the darkest times in my life. The worst part was: I thought I was...
Nueva York barata y sana
by Loni Markman, MA, CHHCI don't know about you but I LOVE going out to eat. I am a total foodie, however, at times it is to my detriment. The restaurants we choose are not always the healthiest no matter what the price is. Recently, a friend turned me on to this...
¿Cuál es la "Felicidad Nacional Bruta" de su empresa?
by Mike MichalowiczJust about every day (especially if you watch the news) you hear reports on our country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Stocks soar or collapse depending on the media. After all, if our country isn't making and selling stuff (stagnant or...
Cómo una medusa puede marcar la diferencia - Encontrar el valor para intentarlo de nuevo
by Monica Shah, Revenue BreakthroughThis week, I have to begin with a story – one that I feel as though many of you will relate to.When I was 10 my family went to Hawaii. It was one of our first “big” trips. It definitely beat the 12-hour car ride to visit...
Superar el miedo (financiero) con aprecio
by Manisha Thakor"Do you ever feel that no matter how much money you earn, it is never enough?"As a financial adviser working with high net worth women and families, I have observed that even financially successful people struggle with a sense of scarcity. This may...
Consejos de ahorro para la jubilación
por Jeffery SternerSi eres madre, es importante que dediques tiempo a planificar tu futuro. Conocer sus opciones puede ayudarle a encontrar las mejores formas de invertir. He aquí algunas de las opciones que tiene a su disposición:Reinvierta sus antiguas cuentas 401(k)...
Ponga en marcha su cuenta IRA
por Galia GichonUna clienta mía me preguntó recientemente CÓMO, DÓNDE y QUÉ invertir en una cuenta IRA. Me di cuenta de que muchos de ustedes tienen esas mismas preguntas. Antes de empezar a invertir en una cuenta IRA, hágase estas preguntas:¿Ya tiene una cuenta IRA o cualquier otra inversión...
Cómo ganar dinero con tu pasión
by Jillian Beirne Davi“If you do what you love, will the money follow?”Ahhh the elusive: “Make Money Doing What You Love” thing. Everyone wants it. We admire those that achieve it and we secretly doubt if it’s even possible for us. Can you really do it?...
How to Stand Up To Creditors
by Jillian Beirne DaviHave you been shutting your phone off out of fear of creditors calling? If so, read on.Nearly six years ago, I drove off my own fiscal cliff. I was drowning in credit card debt and didn’t know what to do. I had to shut my phone off because...
Uh oh! That Unexpected Bill…
by Jillian Beirne DaviIt’s a common scenario. You’re chugging along, getting your finances in order, paying your bills on time, keeping your spending down and brown baggin’ it to work. You are SO in control and feeling on top of the world!And then. ...
Atención Financiera Radical
by Suparna Bhasin, Founder of She Creates ChangeOne of my favorite sayings is “Money isn't funny, people are funny with money!” What this means really is that we as a collective have made this thing called money mean so much about who we are, our level of success, a...
10 cosas bonitas que hacer por la gente y que no cuestan mucho
by Emily Co, Associate Editor, Pop Sugar Although it's good to focus on your own happiness, it's always beneficial to spread the joy around. In fact, studies have shown that people who perform kind acts see a boost in mood. World Kindness Day is a day to celebrate...
ESTAR DONDE ESTÁS: para experimentar el verdadero MoneyJoy
por Manisha Thakor "Cuando estamos atentos, profundamente en contacto con el momento presente, nuestra comprensión de lo que ocurre se profundiza, y empezamos a llenarnos de aceptación, alegría, paz y amor". - Thich Nhat Hahn El dinero nos hace desgraciados a muchos de nosotros. Estudia...
Su mayor riqueza
by Jodi Krizer GraberThe greatest wealth is health. I believe that but I cannot take credit for the quote. It is attributed to Virgil, one of Rome’s greatest poets who lived from 70 BC – 19 BC. So we’re not talking “new age-y” thoughts here; it seems more like...