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¿Es usted tortuga o liebre?

by Jillian Beirne DaviToday’s article is about why budgets and diets don’t work. And how to manage the Holiday Hangover you might be feeling.When people decide they’re going to lose weight, or stick to a budget, or finally pay off their credit cards, typically they...

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Cómo aumentar la confianza en la jubilación

por Manisha Thakor ¿Cómo nos sentimos colectivamente los estadounidenses ante nuestras perspectivas de jubilación? Según las encuestas (y la mayoría de los asesores financieros estarían de acuerdo), no muy bien. Consideremos estos datos comparativos de un estudio anual del Employee Benefit Research Institute:En 2007, la...

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No es tu marihuana la que apesta

by Ann WilsonIt’s not the pot, it’s the ingredients that stink!“I don’t want to invest in the stock market. I’ve got an ISA/ Pension/ Superannuation/ Retirement Annuity/ 401K and it is doing terribly”.I get emails like this almost everyday and it makes me mad. Not at...

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Los 5 errores más comunes de los inversores

by Manisha ThakorAs a financial advisor I’m frequently asked: “Why should I pay someone to manage my investments?”You may think an advisor should find “the next hot investment.” Increasingly, though, I’ve come to believe the real value is in helping clients avoid...

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No hay libertad en esperar a ser rico

by Ann WilsonIt’s one of the most basic questions ever: What do you and 99% of the population want most?Most people will say “More money.” Specifically, we want to be rich. Who wouldn’t? If you’re rich, you really don’t have much to worry about, except maybe what to...

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3 razones por las que gastamos de más

3 razones por las que gastamos de más

by Manisha Thakor Does your actual spending significantly surpass your budget? Have you ever set a financial goal only to find that your actual spending significantly surpassed your budget? When you have the best of intentions to create financial health, why is it so...

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KISS – Keep It Simple & Sexy

by Ann WilsonInvesting in the Stock Market isn’t difficult or complicated, but like so many things in life we can make it so. I have found that the most successful strategies are usually the simplest. Why? Because:They are easy to implement;They are easy to keep...

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Demystifying Mutual Funds and ETFs

by Manisha ThakorLong-time readers of this blog know that as a financial advisor I’m passionate about helping women become more confident and excited about investing. That’s because in a world where it’s increasingly possible to live to 100, investing for the long run...

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The Power of Patient Investing

by Manisha ThakorHave you ever been tempted to “play the stock market” by following a hot tip, only to watch your shares plummet? Do you want to invest, but feel overwhelmed by all of your choices? How do you know if you should invest in stocks at all? As a female...

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What Are Your Financial Priorities?

by Manisha ThakorAs we enter the warm, playful days of summer, it may be difficult to turn our attention to the cold reality of personal finance. Yet as any financial expert will say, to continue enjoying our lives to the fullest, it is essential to plan for our...

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El dinero habla. ¿Estás escuchando?

by Liz WolfeA hot topic in the news these days is why the “1%” have such a disproportionately large amount of accumulated wealth in comparison to other 99%.  Perhaps you've seen the video that went viral (almost 7 million views to date) that demonstrates this...

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Qué hacer si le cuesta ahorrar dinero

by Jillian Beirne DaviOne thing that I see many women struggle with as a personal finance coach is that they have trouble saving money on a consistent basis.Sure, they may put some money aside when they receive a lump sum, but making it a regular habit is a bit...

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