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Ease money record-keeping burdens
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAMy assistant burst into my office this morning, wild-eyed. Had I seen the $200 she had in the pocket of her trench coat three days ago? Nope. She decided to dig through her purse – oversize albeit exploding with receipts – yet another time....
Generar un flujo constante de ingresos para la jubilación
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI feel like we all need to have extra strong antacids to deal with the chaotic behavior of the market. With the US stock markets as steady as, say, a blind man on stilts, stability and safety are the topics on everyone’s minds. How do I put...
Alinee sus inversiones con sus valores
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFASomeone asked me the other day whether I support the business models of all the companies I own – directly through stocks or indirectly through mutual funds. The answer is: of course I do!Your values are important aspects of who you are....
Control del gasto
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI heard on the radio today that the average Starbucks customer spends close to $6 per visit, 18 times per month. That adds up to a whopping $1,296 per year, which he or she otherwise could have invested. Now, this is not a Starbucks rant...
Maneje su dinero con confianza
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFALast night, the man in front of me in line at the grocery store spent a good five minutes taking things out of his cart, only to add them back a moment later, and then remove them again. Turns out he was running low on cash, and was only...
Protegerse de los riesgos financieros
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAWith the stock market behaving like a roller coaster carnival ride more people are looking for the riskless way to invest. A prospective client came in today to see if I had any ideas for risk-free investments and it got me thinking. I very...
Haga que su dinero trabaje tanto como usted
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI read in the paper today that the average American now works 46 hours per week. For people who hold managerial positions, are self-employed, or work on commission, the number can be significantly higher. When you spend that much time and...
Maximice su flujo de caja
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAA Una clienta vino hoy a mi oficina, preocupada por cómo se supone que va a ahorrar dinero para la jubilación, cuando vive de cheque en cheque. Una pregunta muy pertinente, diría yo. Porque seamos realistas. No importa lo...
Ahorrar dinero en impuestos
por Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDF¡Por fin han llegado las devoluciones de impuestos! Aunque yo no recibí una (la gente de mi negocio rara vez lo hace), muchos de mis clientes lo hicieron, y muchos eligieron sabiamente - decidieron invertir al menos parte del dinero. Para ayudarte a conseguir un reembolso (o si...