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Women are Creating the Glass Ceiling and Have the Power to End it

Women are Creating the Glass Ceiling and Have the Power to End itInvestments in women’s leadership initiatives are at an all-time high, yet the glass ceiling remains stronger than ever. In fact, trends are going in the wrong direction. The problem is that today’s solutions are missing the mark because the reason that the glass ceiling exists is misunderstood. My team’s research revealed the true reasons that the phenomenon continues to block women’s rise to the top. While men and women both have personality strengths suitable for leadership roles, it turns out there are inherent, personality-based risk factor differences between men and women leaders. These differences are holding women back while propelling men forward. We also confirmed that biases are more harmful to women leaders, particularly when it comes to behaviors triggered by their risk factors. Equipped with these significant findings, effective solutions to end the glass ceiling are at hand. In this session, I will share this break-through research and the audience will begin formulating solutions. It is clear that women have the power to end the glass ceiling while simultaneously improving performance and building win-win relationships with male counterparts and executives.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will gain an understanding of how women’s inherent risk factors are holding them back while men’s risk factors propel them forward. They will also learn that while gender bias is a problem, it is not the primary reason that so many women’s careers stall prematurely.
  2. Participants will gain a working knowledge of what personality-based risk factors are and how identifying them and managing them productively is key to performance and career success.
  3. Participants will begin to analyze their own potential risks and their organizational practices for helping women in leadership. Next, they can begin to brain-storm solutions to help women leaders and professionals identify and minimize their risk behaviors. They will begin thinking what changes and “next steps” they and their organizations could make.

About Nancy:

Nancy ParsonsNANCY PARSONS is a top global expert combining the science of assessments with the art of developing people. As president of CDR Assessment Group, Inc. since 1998, her team has provided break-through assessments for leadership development for global organizations. Nancy sheds new light on personality strengths, inherent risks and motivation changing performance, careers and lives. She has coached and trained executive coaches and executive clients around the globe for two decades. Last October, she was honored as the 2019 MEECO International Thought Leader of Distinction in Executive Coaching.

Nancy’s second researched based book, Women Are Creating the Glass Ceiling & Have the Power to End It, hit as a #1 Best Seller on Amazon in December 2019. Nancy formed CDR-U, LLC in late 2019, a new technology and e-learning company delivering scalable, personalized talent development solutions, based on CDR’s in-depth assessment results.

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