What’s Your Business Plan?


Every business needs a good plan to succeed and reach the successes they desire. The bottom line is a business needs more than a PLAN. Join Ivy Slater to identify how to create a plan that will give you the success you desire.

This webinar will help you:

  • Create S.M.A.R.T. goals

  • Identify the specific steps that you can take action on

  • Understand the WHY and the HOW of your business plan


About Ivy Slater:

Ivy is dedicated to helping women business owners achieve their success on their own terms, creating the life they want to live and creating the business that supports their life. Drawing not only from her own experience, Ivy has also been trained and mentored by some of the most accomplished and renowned business professionals and coaches in the industry. Today, Ivy supports women business owners from coast to coast and internationally. Ivy works with private clients, runs a variety of group programs, including Mastermind Intensives for small-business owners, as well as speaks publicly and in corporate settings.

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