Turn Your Trash Into Cash


We accumulate possessions throughout our lives, but most of them have no exit strategy. Things we’ve paid good money for are difficult to part with, even if we don’t use them anymore. However, it becomes easier to get rid of things when we can see the financial advantages. If you are looking for ways to turn your trash into cash, then you’ll want to attend this presentation by Certified Professional Organizer® Sharon Lowenheim.

You will learn: -What are the best ways to sell my unwanted items? -How can I maximize a tax deduction for items I donate? -When does it make financial sense to use off-site storage? -How much are my unused items costing me?

About Sharon Lowenheim:

Sharon Lowenheim

Sharon is a Certified Professional Organizer® specializing in solutions for small spaces. She is the owner of Organizing Goddess, Inc., in New York City. Before founding her business 9 years ago, Sharon spent 25 years working for three of the world’s largest corporations. She graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and did her graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania, where she earned a Masters degree in Computer Science as well as an MBA from the Wharton School. She is a former President of the NYC chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers.

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