Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.

Savvy Ladies Volunteers


Volunteer’s Bio

Eunsoo has over 25 years of broad experience in public accounting, private equity, and personal finance. Eunsoo’s passion is to empower clients to make smart money decisions so that they achieve their financial goals and stop feeling stressed about their money situations. She regularly volunteers her time as a financial coach at Bay Area Cancer Connections and Financial Peace University.
She loves reading books, Hawaii, and Poodles. One of her all-time favorite books is The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley.
She has a BS in Accounting from Saint Mary’s College of California and an MBA from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

Areas of Expertise (as specified by volunteer)

Budgeting, Career and Income, Debt Management, Health and Money
