Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.

Savvy Ladies Volunteers

Denise Sarkor

Volunteer’s Bio

Denise Sarkor is a dynamic Private Wealth Advisor and Business Strategist with 18+ years diverse experience at the intersection of financial services, entrepreneurship and human development. Principal of Sarkor Financial Advisors—a future-forward wealth management firm, she is passionate about Financial Planning of the highest fiduciary standard for trailblazing women entrepreneurs, successful women professionals and their families. Former Investment Banker and World Bank Official, she has solid technical knowledge and business acumen to enable smart decision-making, efficient and effective investment management and clear communication with all stakeholders. Denise is also an experienced ICF Certified Executive Coach & Facilitator with success serving and empowering individuals, cohorts and teams at companies of all sizes—both domestic and abroad.

Areas of Expertise (as specified by volunteer)

Budgeting;Career and Income;Debt Management;Divorce and Money;Family Finances;Health and Money;Investing;Marriage and Money;Retirement;Small Business;Wealth Management;Career Coach
