Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.

Savvy Ladies Volunteers

Cassandra SMALLEY, CFA, CFP®

Volunteer’s Bio

Cassandra Smalley is the Founder and CEO of Cassandra Smalley Wealth Management and author of "The Why of Wealth: Mastering the Steps to a Wealthy Mindset to Live a Joyful Life." Cassandra's practice focuses on women business owners and high-achieving professionals with the mission to help close the gender wealth gap and empower others to design their best life. She holds the CFA and CFP® designation, the gold standard of the financial profession and a combination earned by fewer than 1% of advisors.

Cassandra has been in the financial services industry for 20 years. In a prior role, Cassandra managed $500 million in assets and oversaw a team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS™ and CPA professionals as the Director of Financial Planning. Cassandra has helped thousands confidently take the leap from career life to retirement dream. Her transformative approach to wealth management focuses on multi-generational planning and conversations that lead with purpose.

After seeing first-hand how critical it is for women to be engaged in financial planning conversations, and the financial services industry’s lack of understanding women’s wealth, Cassandra felt called to publish a book based on her experiences. Through stories in "The Why of Wealth," finances become more approachable and relatable to the unique challenges women face. Topics range from career, motherhood, relationships, elder care, gender wealth gaps, life transitions, retirement needs, setting our kids up for success, creating a lasting legacy, and most importantly, building the joyful life you deserve. It’s a heartfelt message of the importance of communication, vulnerability, honesty, inclusion, and ensuring that women take a front-row seat at the financial table.

Cassandra has been recognized by Forbes and SHOOK Research as America’s Top Women Wealth Advisors 2020-2021, Top Next-Gen Wealth Advisor 2017-2020, Working Mother Magazine, and Top Wealth Advisor Moms 2017-2020, among others.

Areas of Expertise (as specified by volunteer)

Career and Income;Debt Management;Divorce and Money;Family Finances;Health and Money;Investing;Marriage and Money;Retirement;Small Business;Wealth Management
