Self-Healing Techniques with Essential Oils and Acupressure


Diane will share her knowledge of essential oils and aromatherapy with 4 particular oils.

Because these oils naturally have anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, she has found them to be very powerful and applicable during these times.

She will guide you on what the oils are used for and where and how to apply them to specific acupressure points.

 The four oils we will discuss are:

Ravantsara:     immune boosting, helps lung vitality

Cedarwood:     grounding, helps kidney vitality

Bergamot:       anti-anxiety, stress reducing

Rosemary:      helps with fatigue, concentration, headaches

About Diane:

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Rev. Dr. Diane Rooney, is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM), reiki master, licensed massage therapist, board certified herbologist, certified in aromatherapy, an interfaith minister and first year dean at One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. She initiated the integrative program for pediatric hematology and oncology at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital in New Jersey as well as worked as a practitioner at New York Presbyterian’s integrative medicine department for children with cancer. Diane has taught acupuncture, Eastern healing techniques and Taoism for 19 years and has her own private practice in New York City.

She holds the 2014 award for Worldwide Leader in Health Care, Top Integrative Acupuncturist. She is co-author to many books and research articles on the effectiveness of Chinese Medicine.

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