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Plan, Prepare, Present Positively – Make Your Presentations Perfect!


Whether you are presenting to your boss, to your colleagues, or to a conference or convention, you want all your presentations to be great! Learn how to maximize your presentation effectiveness by considering your audience, developing total confidence and believe in yourself, using the motivated sequence to organize your presentation, working on ‘what you are saying’ as well as ‘how you are saying it, and preparing for follow-up questions with ease. With my tips on how to plan, prepare, and present positively, you will be ready to speak in any situation and enhance your path to success!


  • Learn how to analyze the audience, develop your talking points, and create a presentation to remember.
  • Incorporate the 5 steps of the motivated sequence in your presentations – which will organize your time frame and allow the listener to follow your presentation with ease.
  • Understand that proper preparation – of both What you are saying and How you are saying it – will increase the effectiveness and success of all your presentations.

About Karen:


Karen Schadow, a nationally -and internationally- recognized Voice & Presentation Skills coach, is president of her own company, The Voice of Success, bringing to the communications training field over twenty-five years’ experience in theatre, television, film, and university teaching. With this extensive background, Karen has developed her own highly successful techniques in voice improvement, presentation skills coaching, media training, overcoming fear of public speaking, and clearer speech. She has taught and written extensively on making the Body-Mind Connection to the Voice. Her work emphasizes not just “What you are saying” but “How you are saying it” to insure consistent dynamic presentation and vocal effectiveness. Karen, whose clients include hundreds of financial professionals and Fortune 500 corporate clients, is also a long-time professor at NYU. Her unique ability to diagnose each client’s individual needs, always with positive support and personalized techniques, gives clients total confidence in making dynamic progress with their voices and their presentation effectiveness. Her clients Do achieve The Voice of Success!”

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