How to Plan Your Future When Your Future Has Gone M.I.A. – Confessions and Wisdom From an Irreverent Widow


Confessions and wisdom from an irreverent widow.

Life doesn’t always go quite as we plan, now does it? There are all sorts of unpleasantries to navigate… and some require more courage, creativity and fortitude than others. When your life is turned upside-down, it can be challenging to find a way forward – financially, emotionally and physically. Let Sandi help you tune back into your center and use all of your resources (including your money!) to recreate your life with passion, power and purpose.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to plan your future when you can’t even get out of bed – steps to getting unstuck.

  • The gift of perspective: How to make change work for you.

  • How to navigate the patriarchal world of money: The mysterious case of the “Poor little widow (divorcee, etc).”

  • Avoiding the fear trap: Ding-dong, your future foreclosure is calling!

About Sandi Amorello:

Sandi Amorello

Sandi is a humorist, author, consultant and lifestyle philosopher. Author of the memoir, The Irreverent Widow: Shockingly true tales of love, death and dating…with children in tow, she celebrates rampant individuality and unapologetic truth-telling as a path to liberation and healing. Addressing women’s issues that are both timeless and timely, Sandi offers inspiration, wit, wisdom and support. Her mission is to help women embrace their inner rebel and align with their authentic state of well-being. Sandi has been the incredulous mother of three children since 1998, a reluctant widow since 2002, and a proud Girl Scout Dropout since…well, she’s not telling. She lives in a magical (i.e. requires constant maintenance) 100-year-old-house-by-the-sea in Maine with an assortment of children, two middle-aged cats and a dwarf Belgian bunny…and she is thrilled to wake up every day and continue to find things to laugh about.

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