Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.

My small business is struggling due to COVID-19, how can I get help?


In this webinar, we’ll explore what options your business has when struggling financially due to COVID-19. From commercial rent forbearance to dealing with business credit card payments and small business loan options, there’s likely financial help out there for your small business. The pandemic has created financial uncertainties for the future, so get the information you need to bounce back. You’ll hear from award-winning financial attorney Leslie H. Tayne, who has more than 20 years of experience as the head of a successful debt resolution-focused law firm. Luckily, local grant options, small business loan forgiveness, and the Paycheck Protection Program are potential options for your small business to explore. Leslie will cover all of this and more, so register and get the tools you’ll need to resume operations as quickly as possible.

About Leslie:

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Leslie H. Tayne, Esq. is an award-winning financial attorney and author of the book Life & Debt. She has over 20 years of experience in consumer and business financial debt solutions through the management of the Tayne Law Group, her award-winning debt solutions law firms. She regularly negotiates with large international banks and credit agencies for loans, lines of credit, credit cards, and student loans. Leslie is a frequently sought-out for her expertise on financial, credit and debt topics in the media and as a speaker where she regularly provides insight and strategies regarding all areas of debt and credit-related solutions to outlets like the Huffington Post, Yahoo Finance, US News and World Report, MSN, market watch among many others. Leslie is the go-to expert on debt resolution.

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