Long Term Care Insurance for Women

Did you know that, on average, women outlive men by about five years? With more than two-thirds of Americans age 85 or older being women, long term care is essentially a women’s issue. Lack of early planning around can end up being too costly for women in the long run.

In this webinar, long term care insurance experts Rona Loshak and Natalie Karp share the whys and hows of this often overlooked but critical matter.

This session was originally hosted in December 2021.

About the speakers
Rona Loshak, MBA, CLTC and Natalie Karp, MBA, CLTC are highly accredited, award-winning specialists in LTC Insurance. They are a Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business, Women’s Achievers’ Honorees, and recognized by The American Association of Long-Term Care Insurers as top professionals.

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