Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.

Live a More Joyful and Prosperous Life

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA

I read in the paper today that only about 20% of Americans enjoy their jobs, and even fewer feel they are getting paid what they deserve. As though this weren’t bad enough, a large portion of our precious free time tends to get eaten up by admin tasks. Clearly, joy and prosperity are two things most of us crave, but few of us feel we have enough of. By implementing the strategies below, you can free up time and energy – while making your money work for you.

1. Do not fear internet banking. It provides a convenient, fast, time and energy saving way to do something few people enjoy but all of us have to do – keeping track of where our money goes and paying our bills. By entering payment information once, you can have your bills paid automatically for as long as you like. You can also submit wires this way, and save yourself a trip to the bank

2. If money management is not one of your greatest passions, hire someone to do this for you. Today, many financial advisors do much more than sell you mutual funds. They can give you a fresh perspective on your finances and goals, and help you get to where you want to be.

3. Set up an automatic monthly transfer from your checking account to your investment account, then leave the rest to your money manager. This way you’ll keep building capital and securing your future, without wasting a minute thinking about it.

4. Once you’ve gotten all these things out of the way, look into your heart and think about what truly matters to you. Those are the things you should be spending your time on. Leave the humdrum tasks to the people who are good at them, and you’ll find that you’ll have more prosperity and more joy!

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