How Do You Get the Best Price and Walk Away With More For Less?

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA

With the holidays in full swing many are left wondering how we can make our buck go further. The best way to get the best price and walk away with more for less is by bargaining. The biggest problem most shoppers have with bargaining is they believe that nice people don’t do it.

The important thing to remember is that bargaining is nothing more than a business transaction. You are simply trying to get something for a fair price. You are not trying to cheat anyone. For many countries bargaining over prices is the norm. In Turkey, bargaining or haggling is actually a deep seated tradition.

You have the right to bargain, especially in smaller stores that don’t discount. Here are some top tips to help you get the best price.

Price limit – Be sure to have a price limit in mind before you approach the storekeepers and be prepared to walk out if they can’t meet your limit.

Be discreet – Be discreet in your negotiations as the shop owner may not want other customers to know that prices are negotiable.

Shop during non-peak hours – When business is slow, bargaining is the easiest.

Be respectful – Treat the sales person and merchandise as you would want to be treated.

Unmarked merchandise – If there is no price tag, this is an invitation to bargain.

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