Happily Moneyed


How to Manage Your Brain So You Can Feel Better About Money and Have a Blissful Married Life

In this presentation, we’ll

  • Identify the one key reason why couples fight about money – and what to do about it

  • Discuss tips on how to reach your financial goals, even if you and your spouse do not see eye to eye

  • Review practical tips you can start doing regularly to start to feel better about money.

About Jennifer:

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Jennifer Faherty is a CFP®, Certified Life Coach and Founder of Financial Wealth-being. After a decade of working at traditional wealth management firms and helping clients with their personal finances, she saw how saving in 401(k)s, sticking to a budget and making sure your portfolio was diversified could only get you so far. Instead, the missing piece for achieving true financial freedom and wealth lies in changing one’s core beliefs around money. With this key knowledge, Jennifer teaches clients around the country on how to intentionally create new money thoughts to create a wealthier, healthier life. She specializes in helping moms make the right financial decisions for themselves and their families, as well as couples on how to communicate more effectively about money. Visit financialwealthbeing.com.

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