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Getting to Know Our Relationship with Money
Rewrite Your Money Story, Change Your Life
Do you tell yourself money stories? Is there a little voice in your head saying “you’re no good with money,” or “you’re not capable of getting a handle on your finances,” or “you’ll never manage to save enough”? Negative, demoralizing stories like these can keep you...
Money and Emotions
Investor behavior can have a huge impact on our financial decision making processes. In this presentation we will discuss how investor behavior and our innate biases can impede us from making the best decisions for our family. We’ll talk about how we can get back to...
The One-Page Financial Plan
It’s no surprise that even very successful people feel confused or paralyzed when dealing with money. They want the best advice—so, rather than do the “wrong thing,” they do nothing. What they don’t realize is that bad calls about money aren’t failures; they’re just...
9 Steps to Becoming a Financially Wise Woman
Being a woman is exciting but can be challenging with all the responsibilities you have. With all the demands on your time- career, spouse, kids, employees- it can be daunting to then have to figure out the finances for the family.The great news is money can be fun...
Do You Have A Scarcity Mindset?
by Jillian Beirne Davi What is Your Money Mindset? Most of us remember hearing specific messages about money from the adults who took care of us from our earliest childhood memories. What did you hear when you were growing up? Was money hard to come by? Was it tight?...

What is a Budget
Home Sharing to Cut Housing Costs
By Marge Schiller, CFP® Is your cost of housing too large a portion of your income today? Are you having trouble finding an affordable rental in your community? Or is your current home more space than you really need but you like it? If your answer is “Yes” to any of...
Your Budgeting Worksheet
A budget is an important part of financial well-being. Knowing your monthly income and expenses creates mindfulness around your money. If you want to take control of your cash flow but aren’t sure where to start, we encourage you to read our budgeting guide and...
Building a Better Budget (Hint: It’s Based on Joy!)
A budget does not have to be about deprivation. In this webinar, Manisha Thakor, Founder and CEO of MoneyZen Wealth Management, will help you create a budget that you will feel excited to follow. When done correctly, a budget can help you make smart spending...

Why Savings is an Important Part of Your Budget
How to Save Even When You Don’t Think You Can
By: Ashley Patrick Sometimes it can feel like the world is against us and no matter what we do, we can’t seem to get ahead. Every time we try to save money, something “pops” up that we didn’t think about or plan for. Even though it can feel like no matter what we do,...
Which Savings Account is Best for Your Financial Goals
By: Savvy Ladies Team How to save money? There are ways to grow your money and make the money you have work harder for you. Stretching your money these days is not an easy task, and while many of us know that we should be saving, we don’t always know how and where to...

Financial Tips & Tricks
3 Reasons To Take Your Online Banking Relationship To The Next Level
by ManishaThakor How Banking Online Can Make Bill Paying Easier Are you banking online? A recent survey says 80 percent of U.S. online households are. However, if you’re limiting your online account management to checking your balance or reviewing past transactions,...
Great Ways to Shop More and Spend Less
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA Shopping tips from the recession in 2008 still hold true today, if not more so. Online shopping is the norm today in 2022 and looking to compare pricing online makes it easier to find the best price for what you are looking for. Savvy...
Suze Orman on Limiting Holiday Spending Damage
by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA I read an excellent Suze Orman article last night, and thought I should share. Use these five easy techniques, and it will make all the difference this holiday season. Consider credit card interest rates. If you plan to pay off your...