Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.

Rebooting Your Budget for 2023

Rebooting Your Budget for 2023

Savvy Ladies volunteer Peter J. Creedon CFP®, ChFC, CLU, EA, helps you revisit and adjust your budget for 2023. Get tips on how to be a Savvy spender and saver as prices go up. Originally live-streamed on January 25, 2023. About the Speaker Peter J. Creedon is a...
Budgeting for the Holidays

Budgeting for the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… except for your wallet. Between presents, travel, hosting and beyond, the most magical season can wreak havoc on your finances. How can keep you keep your holiday shopping aligned with your financial goals?...
The Secret to Overcoming Scarcity

The Secret to Overcoming Scarcity

Key takeaways: The difference between a scarcity mindset and a prosperity mindset Key indicators for resetting your mind when scarcity arises Steps for reducing your money fears A money management “zone” tool for ensuring you’re in a good place with your...