Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.

Reclaim Control & Get It Done

Some days you can bask in the feeling of accomplishment that comes with having checked off every task on your to-do list. While other days… life happens. You feel like you’re on a treadmill going nowhere and are quickly drowning in a sea of uncompleted tasks. We know...
Top Ten Estate Planning Mistakes

Top Ten Estate Planning Mistakes

This webinar will discuss the many misconceptions in estate planning that are perpetuated by well-meaning friends and neighbors and certain members of the financial services industry. Our laws and tax structure reward advance planning. Learn more about the top ten...
How to Get Time on Your Side

How to Get Time on Your Side

Everyone is always saying, “If only I had the time to do ________.” However, we do have 24 hours minus the sleep time we so desperately need to make sure we are taking. So why are we unable to fit in the things we want to get done and even those things that we know we...