by Lisa Zeiderman | Feb 3, 2022 | Blog, Divorce, KB-Getting Ready
By Lisa Zeiderman Divorce can be one of the most stressful times of your life. Some liken the process of going through a divorce to getting over the death of a loved one; others feel like it is the start of a new life and a very hopeful and happy time. Either way,...
by Savvy Ladies | Jan 31, 2022 | Blog, Divorce, KB-Getting Ready
Learn the definitions of Divorce Terms & Terminology and Get Savvy About Your Divorce Feeling overwhelmed by all the divorce terminology? Our legal and finance experts have got you covered from A to Z. And if you have further divorce-related financial questions,...
by Savvy Ladies | Jan 25, 2022 | Blog, Divorce, KB-Getting Ready
During the first panel of the Get Divorce series, guest panelists Julia Rodgers of HelloPrenup, author and divorced mom Dawn Drzal, and Davon Barrett, CFP® and CDFA® at Francis Financial, Inc., talked about some of the core financial aspects of divorce and marriage....
by Ana Weisberger | Dec 9, 2021 | Blog, Divorce, KB-Getting Ready
By Ana Weisberger I was married for seven years when I came home one day and asked my ex husband for a divorce. And while he feigned surprise at first, it was soon apparent that he also knew it was coming. Of course he knew. Nobody gets divorced today because of...
by Michelle Petrowski, CFP®, CDFA® | Feb 27, 2020 | Blog, Divorce, KB-Getting Ready
By: Michelle Petrowski, CFP®, CDFA I recently read an article that hit home for me as a single divorced Financial Planner and raises the question, “Why isn’t the divorce scenario tested when creating financial plans? “. The current landscape Americans are living...
by Savvy Ladies | Oct 5, 2016 | KB-Getting Ready, Webinar Divorce, Webinars
For most people, making the decision to divorce (or even just thinking about it) can be terrifying. So frightening that the fear factor alone can actually paralyze us and keep us in a holding pattern of unhappiness for years. Liza and Kim offer very specific steps you...