by Manisha Thakor | Dec 6, 2011 | Blog, Budgeting, Taxes
by Manisha Thakor Can focusing on your health help you to pay less in taxes? If your employer offers a healthcare flexible spending account (“FSA”) and you elect to participate, the answer is yes!Toward the end of the year I am frequently asked about...
by Manisha Thakor | Nov 21, 2011 | Blog, Budgeting
by Manisha Thakor What can four drunk airplane passengers, first-time parents, and a delightful new book called Celebrity, Inc. do for your wallet? Get everyday money tips that famous celebs do to budget and build their wealth. Plenty. Let me start with the drunks and...
by Manisha Thakor | Oct 27, 2011 | Blog, Career & Income
by Manisha ThakorIs a larger business always a better business? As a newly minted MBA my first job back in 1997 was as a buy-side equity analyst. My task was to evaluate the financial prospects of publically traded companies and make recommendations as to whether or...
by Manisha Thakor | Jul 26, 2011 | Blog, Career & Income
by Manisha Thakor57% of men entering the workforce negotiate their salaries, while only 7% of women do.Ouch. This is one of the many powerful messages I took away from Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s riveting TEDWomen presentation on why we have too few women...
by Manisha Thakor | Jul 5, 2011 | Blog, Family Finances
by Manisha ThakorDo your children think you are a walking ATM?If you are tired of “must-have-that-toy-right-now” tantrums as you walk down the aisles of Target or Toys “R” Us, go straight to your nearest bookstore and buy Alisa T. Weinstein’s new...
by Manisha Thakor | Jun 20, 2011 | Blog, Investing
by Manisha ThakorUS News & World Report senior editor and personal finance columnist, Kim Palmer, has written an excellent new book for young professionals: GENERATION EARN. Kim was kind enough to share her thoughts both on the writing of the book and...