Savvy Ladies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing free financial education to all women.

Donate to Savvy Ladies

Building Financial Conversations

The Power of Asking Financial Questions

Savvy Ladies answers financial questions for women every day, connecting 200+ women with financial professionals each month.

Savvy Ladies equips women with the educational tools and personalized 1:1 financial guidance, providing real answers & strategies to enhance financial well-being while reducing financial anxiety, helping women be better prepared to understand the best course of action to take with their finances.

Savvy Ladies Free Financial Helpline App enables us to be more accessible and reach out to connect with the most vulnerable and underserved women’s communities, providing access to financial professionals for honest, authentic and trusted 1:1 conversations.

When you donate to Savvy Ladies, you are a part of a powerful community supporting women’s financial literacy. Your donation truly makes a difference, as it provides funding for our programs and resources, which allow women to feel empowered and seek the path toward financial freedom. With your help, you enable us ensure that women never have to live in fear of their lack of financial awareness.
Other Ways to Donate:
Become A Savvy Fundraiser!

Create your own fundraiser on Facebook now!  Become a Savvy Ladies fundraiser and extend our network of support to your entire community! Give your friends, neighbors, and colleagues the chance to support financial literacy. You can turn any event into a fundraiser, including birthdays, holiday parties, races, even dinner parties.

Does Your Company Offer A Matching Gift?

As a 501(c) 3, Savvy Ladies is listed as a Matching Gift option with many businesses. Ask about the program at your company and, request a matching gift form today!

Make a Gift of Stock or Securities!

When you make a gift of appreciated stock or securities you could receive a double tax benefit—a charitable deduction and avoidance of capital gains tax. To initiate a gift, please email

We recommend that you consult your personal accountant or tax advisor regarding the benefits of any stock gift or IRA distribution.

Make a Gift from Your IRA!

If you are 70 ½ years of age or older, you may be able to make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD), or IRA charitable rollover gift, from an IRA and exclude it from taxable income.

We recommend that you consult your personal accountant or tax advisor regarding the benefits of any stock gift or IRA distribution.

Savvy Ladies is recognized as a Section 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charity by the Internal Revenue Service. 
