What Every Woman Needs to Know About Investing and Financial Planning

Creating and executing a financial plan. Stocks, bonds, and tax-efficient investing. Taking control of your emotions and becoming your boldest self. Read some of our most favorite articles and learn with our amazing community of experts who share their wisdom and tips to achieve a successful financial future.

Wealthy or Not, Your Estate Matters

Wealthy or Not, Your Estate Matters

June 2 2021 1:00 PM EST with Paula M. Jones The word “estate” is usually associated with high-net-worth individuals. But the truth is estate planning is a must-do for everyone, regardless of income or age. In this webinar, estate attorney Paula Jones will explain...

Mindful Awareness for Everyday Life

Mindful Awareness for Everyday Life

May 26, 2021 by Caren Osten Bringing greater awareness to our everyday life is an empowering skill from which everyone can benefit. Learning to be in the present moment allows us to make choices that will ultimately help us craft a happier, more peaceful and...

Pitching for Profit

Pitching for Profit

Pitching is a skill that everyone should learn. Yet, what happens after you have success pitching to investors, media or at events? What's next? Now, it's time to Pitch for Profits. In this session, you will learn Why it is important to monetize your network How to...

Think Your Way to Prosperity

Think Your Way to Prosperity

The world is going through unprecedented challenges and changes. How you think about your money and future success is more important than ever. Although we can’t control what’s happening in the economy, there are important strategies to focus on now to get through...

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Savvy Ladies provides access to unbiased, independent advice by certified professionals for women of all ages and backgrounds. Get matched with a Financial Expert and get your financial question answered.  Request a confidential call with one of our financial expert volunteers and start achieving financial independence today.  Knowledge is power!