What Every Woman Needs to Know About Investing and Financial Planning

Creating and executing a financial plan. Stocks, bonds, and tax-efficient investing. Taking control of your emotions and becoming your boldest self. Read some of our most favorite articles and learn with our amazing community of experts who share their wisdom and tips to achieve a successful financial future.

Laid Off? How to Get Back on Track

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI think most of us know someone who has lost his or her job recently. To me, this recession became a reality when a client called mid-afternoon (and mid-latte) yesterday to let me know her company had let her go. Now, being a long term...

Lending Money to Family and Friends

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI received an interesting email this morning. It was from a mother-of-two in her early thirties, who was broke because over the past five years, her parents had continuously borrowed money from her, supposedly to get into some miraculous...

Securing Your Job in Shaky Times

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAAt the bar in my favorite Asian fusion restaurant the other day, waiting for a table, my hubby and I overheard an interesting conversation between two twenty-something women. Apparently, one of them had lost her job earlier that day, and...

Writing Your Will

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI facilitated a workshop at a conference last week, on the topic of wills 200 men and women attended my session. Considering how many attendees the conference had, which was over 5,000, I was shocked to see how few took an interest in...

Shopping for a Home

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAMy husband and I just purchased our home and are so excited and smiley these days, when you see us you think we have slept with a hanger in our mouth. A home is something almost everyone wants, but acquiring one can take a lot of work – and...

What Are Stock Options and How Do They Work?

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAThis question popped up during a recent Savvy Ladies meeting. This Savvy Lady saw an advertisement on the internet for a course called Stock Options for the Savvy Trader – Make Millions With Little To No Risk. Should she sign up? It seemed...

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