What Every Woman Needs to Know About Investing and Financial Planning

Creating and executing a financial plan. Stocks, bonds, and tax-efficient investing. Taking control of your emotions and becoming your boldest self. Read some of our most favorite articles and learn with our amazing community of experts who share their wisdom and tips to achieve a successful financial future.

The Big Enough Company

Women & money expert Manisha Thakor highlights The Big Enough Company, a fantastic new book exploring the pros and cons of entrepreneurial growth.

A “Hair”-oing Tale: What Does It Mean For Your Career?

Women & money expert Manisha Thakor explores the impact on long term women’s economic empowerment of pieces that deride professional women for the very bodies they were born with. In this case, she examines the backlash facing former News Corp International CEO Rebekah Brooks’ choice to appear in Parliament with… gasp… her real hair down.

Turn Your Kids Into Personal Finance Champs

by Manisha ThakorDo your children think you are a walking ATM?If you are tired of "must-have-that-toy-right-now" tantrums as you walk down the aisles of Target or Toys “R” Us, go straight to your nearest bookstore and buy Alisa T. Weinstein's new book, EARN IT, LEARN...

Generation Earn: A Chat With Kimberly Palmer

by Manisha ThakorUS News & World Report senior editor and personal finance columnist, Kim Palmer, has written an excellent new book for young professionals: GENERATION EARN.  Kim was kind enough to share her thoughts both on the writing of the book and...

Are Your Bonds Safe?

by Manisha Thakor"Last year I invested in a bond fund and now I've lost money. What happened? I thought bonds were supposed to be safe investments!" Recently several people have asked me this same question. Given the turbulent economic times we're (hopefully!)...

The Rise Of The “Sugar Mamma”

Money expert Manisha Thakor discusses the rise of the female breadwinner and co-breadwinner in America. In particular she highlights the growing interest in financial education by working women seeking financial freedom and financial security.

Gen X & Gen Y – Dialing Financial 911

by Manisha ThakorSix Reasons Why Gen X & Gen Y Need Some Serious Financial TLC  They’re scared: They’ve entered their adult years during a gut-wrenching economic and job market. With unemployment over 9.5%, they’ve seen their parents struggle. Over 7 out of...

Shocking Statistics on Women & Retirement

by Manisha Thakor"Do you ever worry about ending up old and poor?"For many women, becoming the proverbial "bag lady under the bridge" is one of their worst nightmares. Myself included. I literally sit down with my husband and our financial planner twice a year to...

Money Talk for Couples

by Susan HirshmanRecently I was interviewed for a story in the New York Times that focused on “money talk” for couples.  I received so much great feedback on the story that I felt compelled to address it here.The article opens up by saying…”One of the most...

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