What Every Woman Needs to Know About Investing and Financial Planning

Creating and executing a financial plan. Stocks, bonds, and tax-efficient investing. Taking control of your emotions and becoming your boldest self. Read some of our most favorite articles and learn with our amazing community of experts who share their wisdom and tips to achieve a successful financial future.

What Does ‘Having It All’ Mean to You?

by Laura BergerDo you have it all? Or perhaps you feel trapped in a cycle of your own doing that could lead to your undoing? I am extremely thankful for my clients, but not for the state in which they come to me, as it is often the latter.Helping women “have it all”...

What To Do When Financial Opposites Attract

Are you and your significant other financial opposites? If so, you’re not alone.  Sometimes the results can be quite painful. Here are four simple steps to help increase the financial harmony between yourself and your significant other.

The Beauty of a Budget

by Manisha ThakorMany people think budgets are about deprivation. As a financial adviser, I feel they are about liberation. Here’s a simple three-step plan to create a budget that you will feel excited to follow.Step #1: Understand the real purpose of a...

Natural Networking

by Raleigh Mayer“Only Connect” –E.M. Forster Networking. Everybody’s doing it: Or should be.Cultivating and maintaining a wide network of personal and professional contacts is a required skill for anyone active in the business world and community environment, and...

How Do You Feel About the Penny?

by Carl Richards Since 2006, the American penny has cost more to make than the penny is worth. Despite that knowledge, we haven’t heard much discussion until now about stopping penny production. A few weeks ago, President Obama hinted that it may be time to say...

How Five Daily Habits Rocked My Financial World

by Jillian Beirne DaviSix years ago, I was broke. I was deeply in debt (to the tune of $30,000) and creditors called me nonstop. I felt powerless, hopeless and totally alone.  It was one of the darkest times in my life.  The worst part was: I thought I was...

NYC on the cheap and healthy

by Loni Markman, MA, CHHCI don't know about you but I LOVE going out to eat. I am a total foodie, however, at times it is to my detriment. The restaurants we choose are not always the healthiest no matter what the price is. Recently, a friend turned me on to this...

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