What Every Woman Needs to Know About Investing and Financial Planning

Creating and executing a financial plan. Stocks, bonds, and tax-efficient investing. Taking control of your emotions and becoming your boldest self. Read some of our most favorite articles and learn with our amazing community of experts who share their wisdom and tips to achieve a successful financial future.

Be Your Own Knight in Shining Armor

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAAre you still looking for your knight in shining armor? Or have you already found him? Either way you have your work cut out for you when it comes to finances!$ More than 50 percent of all marriages fail.$ After a divorce, the average woman...

Give the Little Guy a Chance

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAAs in any crowd, the noisy guys get most of the attention. In the money world, large capitalization (cap) stocks are always on investors' minds because they're so darn big.But a bunch of little stocks, known as the small caps, have been...

Are You a Tortoise or a Hare?

by Jillian Beirne DaviToday’s article is about why budgets and diets don’t work. And how to manage the Holiday Hangover you might be feeling.When people decide they’re going to lose weight, or stick to a budget, or finally pay off their credit cards, typically they...

How To Increase Your Retirement Confidence

by Manisha Thakor How are we Americans collectively feeling about our retirement prospects? Survey says (and most financial advisors would concur), not so great.Consider this comparative data from an annual study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute:In 2007, the...

It’s Not Your Pot That Stinks

by Ann WilsonIt’s not the pot, it’s the ingredients that stink!“I don’t want to invest in the stock market. I’ve got an ISA/ Pension/ Superannuation/ Retirement Annuity/ 401K and it is doing terribly”.I get emails like this almost everyday and it makes me mad. Not at...

How To Avoid The Pressure Cooker

by Jillian Beirne Davi “It’s not how you act when the pressure is on that determines your success. It’s how you act when the pressure is off.” — Jill 🙂 Today we're going to talk about a common habit that keeps people stuck financially for years or...

The 5 Most Common Mistakes Investors Make

by Manisha ThakorAs a financial advisor I’m frequently asked: “Why should I pay someone to manage my investments?”You may think an advisor should find “the next hot investment.” Increasingly, though, I’ve come to believe the real value is in helping clients avoid...

There’s No Freedom in Waiting to be Rich

by Ann WilsonIt’s one of the most basic questions ever: What do you and 99% of the population want most?Most people will say “More money.” Specifically, we want to be rich. Who wouldn’t? If you’re rich, you really don’t have much to worry about, except maybe what to...

How Breathing Can Save Your Finances…

by Jillian Beirne DaviI’m known for saying that Money is a HUMAN made tool.  And humans are emotional.  Therefore money is emotional.(Even though it doesn’t have to be.)Money follows the simple laws of cause and effect. You GIVE to the world a specific...

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