What Every Woman Needs to Know About Investing and Financial Planning

Creating and executing a financial plan. Stocks, bonds, and tax-efficient investing. Taking control of your emotions and becoming your boldest self. Read some of our most favorite articles and learn with our amazing community of experts who share their wisdom and tips to achieve a successful financial future.

March Is Women’s History Month – Share Your Story

This year's theme for Women's History Month is "Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives." In the coming months, Savvy Ladies would like to highlight your story. We’ve all had victories and defeats in our financial lives – sharing your wisdom from personal experience is a...

Provide a Safety Net for Your Family

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI spent last night in bed with the latest Eckhart Tolle book and, not surprisingly, it got me thinking about the ever-changing nature of the universe. From Sartre to the Dalai Lama – this is one of the few things on which all the wise men...

15 (Frugal) Ways to Date Your Mate

15 (Frugal) Ways to Date Your Mate

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA Cheap dating ideas from Savvy Ladies Founder Stacy Francis. Maybe you have a date with that special someone on Valentine’s Day or a romantic dinner with your significant other. Whatever the situation, below are some ideas for a great cheap...

10 Secrets to Masterful Business Networking

10 Secrets to Masterful Business Networking

by Alison BW Pena How do you build your network to build your career, find a new job, and extend your outreach when you want to explore new job opportunities? Learn the top ten tips that will help you build your business network. 1) Ask your best clients, colleagues...

Do Money Books For Women Hurt Women?

by Manisha ThakorWhat do you think...Do personal finance books written by women for women perpetuate the myth that women are bad with money?Why is there a "money management for women" section but no "money management for men" section at Amazon and other...

What to Consider When Setting Your Prices

by Elisa BalabramI received great feedback on Facebook and by email about the article “Six Myths that May Be Stopping Your from Valuing Your Work Well”. The key to setting your prices is to first investigate if you believe in any of those myths, and if you do, figure...

Simplify Your Life and Save Time

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI spent an hour last night paying bills and double-checking credit card transactions after my son and daughter went to bed. When I told a friend about it over the phone, she laughed and told me that’s nothing. Last weekend, she spent Friday...

Money Myths That Hold You Back

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFALast week, I had the opportunity to help an extremely wealthy woman sort out her finances. Now, my favorite part about this is not the fact that she is one of the largest clients I have ever signed, but that she is an interior designer. She...

The Best Time to Shop for Bargains

While the holiday season may be over, there’s no need to feel depressed. Now is the best time to shop for bargains! Here are a few tips on how you can take advantage of the year’s best sales. When to Shop. Sales begin promptly when stores open on December 26th. You’ll...

Take Steps to Protect Yourself from Credit Fraud

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAThe FTC says that the average victim of identity theft is unaware of the problem for 12 months. You don't want to let 12 months go by before finding that you're a victim. Follow these top tips to protect yourself from credit fraud.Reduce...

Visit our Free Financial Helpline for 1:1 private counseling

Savvy Ladies provides access to unbiased, independent advice by certified professionals for women of all ages and backgrounds. Get matched with a Financial Expert and get your financial question answered.  Request a confidential call with one of our financial expert volunteers and start achieving financial independence today.  Knowledge is power!