What Every Woman Needs to Know About Investing and Financial Planning

Creating and executing a financial plan. Stocks, bonds, and tax-efficient investing. Taking control of your emotions and becoming your boldest self. Read some of our most favorite articles and learn with our amazing community of experts who share their wisdom and tips to achieve a successful financial future.

The Importance of Leaning In with Clients

By: Marguerita M. Cheng As the daughter of a Chinese father and American-born mother, I have been exposed to many different stereotypes in the US, Europe, and Asia. I also grew up taking in mixed messages about what it means to be a successful, professional woman....

The ‘stretch’ option for maximizing IRAs

By: Elliot RaphaelsonBecause most employers have eliminated defined-benefit retirement plans, future retirees will depend more than ever on 401(k) plans, traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs.To plan for a successful retirement, you must understand the fundamentals and...

Downsizing in Retirement

By: Allison PearsonDo you and your partner share the same goals & expectations for the future throughout your changing life phases?My son recently headed off to college. It was an important life transition, not just for my son, but for me and my husband as well....

Three Ways to Fix Your Feedback

By: Raleigh MayerSome Like It Hot. No, not the summer--the Billy Wilder classic film comedy.In the final scene, Joe E. Brown's character said it best: "Nobody's perfect". So if you have recently received a performance review or employee engagement survey results,...

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