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Three Ways to Fix Your Feedback

By: Raleigh MayerSome Like It Hot. No, not the summer--the Billy Wilder classic film comedy.In the final scene, Joe E. Brown's character said it best: "Nobody's perfect". So if you have recently received a performance review or employee engagement survey results,...

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Rewire Your Brain For Success

By: Laura BergerDo you feel like bad habits and negative thought patterns are holding you back at work? The good news is that you can eliminate them by activating your brain’s delete button. Using neuroplasticity, you can rewire your brain by changing your behavior,...

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Your indispensable guide to Social Security

By: Elliot RaphaelsonThere is no question that Social Security issues are important to the American public. It is not unusual for me to receive more than 100 responses from readers when I write a Social Security-related column.Regular readers know that I frequently...

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The Equifax Breach and What to do

Equifax, one of the three major consumer credit reporting agencies, recently revealed that hackers had gained access to company data that potentially compromised sensitive information for 143 million American consumers, including Social Security numbers, addresses,...

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How to Not Go Broke Supporting Adult Children

by David RaglandYou’ve worked hard, you’ve saved, you’ve downsized, and the nest is finally empty. Life is good. But then one of your kids loses his job. Or she starts falling further into debt. Or decides to send your grandchild to a private school he can’t...

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Get the Most From Your Tax Refund

Get the Most From Your Tax Refund

One of the only positive aspects of tax season is your refund. We all look forward to a little extra cash. It’s tempting to take that money and splurge – you worked hard for that money, right? But before you head to the mall, or your favorite e-tailer, here are some...

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Happy, Birthday, Barbie!

On March 9th, Barbie celebrates her 58th birthday. Whether you loved Barbie as a little girl or thought she was a negative role model for women, there is no denying her part in women’s toy history. Ruth Handler created the Barbie doll and co-founded Mattel, Inc. with...

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Is Your Mutual Fund Naughty or Nice?

As kids around the globe feverishly try to behave to ensure that they make the nice list for Santa Claus, us adults feel like we don’t have to worry and can play it cool. Not so fast. Your investment might be on the naughty list. Save yourself from a lump of coal:...

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You’re in Balance! But Are Your Investments?

Twist and turns… Up and down… The investment markets are going through another wild year—fortunately, this time, the volatility is generally in a positive direction. But the dramatic swing in stock returns after three bear years, along with dramatic swings in some...

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